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Pull requests: arfc/pride

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Assumptions review/clean-up Comp:Core This issue has to do with the main bulk of the code or document. (methods, main content) Difficulty:2-Challenging This issue may be complex or require specialized skills. Priority:1-Critical This is the highest priority (i.e. it is blocking other work or facing a deadline). Status:4-In Progress This is actively being worked on by the assignee. Type:Feature New feature or feature request
#163 opened Feb 26, 2021 by robfairh Draft
deleted commented lines Comp:Core This issue has to do with the main bulk of the code or document. (methods, main content) Difficulty:1-Beginner This issue does not require expert knowledge and may be a good issue for new contributors. Priority:2-Normal This work is important and should be completed ASAP. Status:5-In Review This issue has been handled, and the solution is being reviewed. (probably as a PR) Type:Style Is related to coding style guide compliance (e.g. PEP8 or google C++ style guide).
#159 opened Feb 25, 2021 by robfairh Draft
Add .circleci/config.yml Comp:Build This issue has to do with the build system of the code/doc (makefiles, cmake, install errors) Difficulty:2-Challenging This issue may be complex or require specialized skills. Priority:2-Normal This work is important and should be completed ASAP. Status:5-In Review This issue has been handled, and the solution is being reviewed. (probably as a PR) Type:Test Is related to software testing. Failing tests, necessary new tests, test frameworks, etc.
#101 opened Nov 4, 2020 by samgdotson Loading…
Optimal Sizing: 50% draft Comp:Analysis This issue has to do with the analysis component of the code or document. (plots, postprocessing) Difficulty:2-Challenging This issue may be complex or require specialized skills. Priority:2-Normal This work is important and should be completed ASAP. Status:5-In Review This issue has been handled, and the solution is being reviewed. (probably as a PR) Type:Feature New feature or feature request
#90 opened Jul 27, 2020 by samgdotson Loading…
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