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After using the library for a while I came to realize that I was creating more work than was necessary. I've since decided to deprecate the library, stop using it and go back to using the built-in MediatR abstractions such as IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>.

A small set of MediatR handler interfaces for implementing the Projection-Result pattern. Also contains basic handler implementations, but I recommend that you implement the interfaces in your project so you can inject the appropriate services for your application.


  • IAsyncHandler<TRequest> - An asynchronous non-returning request handler.
  • IAsyncHandler<TRequest, TResponse> - An asynchronous returning request handler.
  • IAsyncProjectionHandler<TRequest, TDataProjection, TResponse> - An asynchronous returning projection request handler.
  • IAsyncProjectionHandler<TRequest, TDataProjection, TDataResult, TResponse> - An asynchronous returning projection request handler.

How to Use

I typically implement the interfaces as abstract classes I can inherit from. In the abstract classes I inject services such as Entity Framework and AutoMapper. I use EntityFramework-Plus for its future queries to build up my projections and then AutoMapper to map them to the final response.

Here's an example of a view handler that pulls a list of customers by their status from the database, projects the results, and then returns a model for the view to render. Abstract classes are included for reference.

public abstract class AsyncHandler<TRequest, TResponse> :
    IAsyncHandler<TRequest, TResponse>
    where TRequest : IRequest<TResponse> {
    protected DbContext Context { get; }
    protected IMapper Mapper { get; }
    protected IConfigurationProvider MapperConfig => Mapper.ConfigurationProvider;

    protected AsyncHandler(
        DbContext context,
        IMapper mapper) {
        Context = context;
        Mapper = mapper;

    public abstract Task<TResponse> Handle(
        TRequest request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken);

public abstract class AsyncProjectionHandler<TRequest, TDataProjection, TResponse> :
    AsyncHandler<TRequest, TResponse>,
    IAsyncProjectionHandler<TRequest, TDataProjection, TResponse>
    where TRequest : IRequest<TResponse>
    where TDataProjection : class, new()
    where TResponse : class {
    protected AsyncProjectionHandler(
        DbContext context,
        IMapper mapper) :
        base(context, mapper) {

    public override Task<TResponse> Handle(
        TRequest request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
        var response = GetResponse(request);

        return Task.FromResult(response);

    public abstract TDataProjection GetDataProjection(
        TRequest request);

    public virtual TResponse GetResponse(
        TRequest request) {
        var projection = GetDataProjection(request);

        return Mapper.Map<TResponse>(projection);

public sealed class CustomersByStatus {
    public sealed class View {
        public IEnumerabl<CustomerProjection> Customers { get; set; }

    public sealed class ViewDataProjection {
        public QueryFutureEnumerable<CustomerProjection> Customers { get; set; }

    public sealed class ViewHandler :
    	AsyncProjectionHandler<ViewQuery, ViewDataProjection, View> {
    	public ViewHandler(
            DbContext context,
            IMapper mapper) :
            base(context, mapper) {

        public override ViewDataProjection GetDataProjection(
            ViewQuery query) => new ViewDataProjection {
            Customers = GetCustomers()

        //  Future Queries

        private QueryFutureEnumerable<CustomerProjection> GetCustomers(
            ViewQuery query) => Context.Customers.AsNoTracking().Where(
            c => c.IsActive == query.IsActive).ProjectTo<CustomerProjection>(MapperConfig).Future();

    public sealed class ViewQuery :
        IRequest<View> {
        public bool IsActive { get; set; }

    //  Mappings

    public sealed class Mappings :
        AutoMapper.Profile {
        public Mappings() {
            CreateMap<Customer, CustomerProjection>();

    //  Models

    public sealed class CustomerProjection {
    	public string Name { get; set; }


My goal with these extensions is to provide a clear and structured way to create MediatR handlers and to allow for the most efficient way to query for data needed by the handler while also being easy to use.


MediatR extensions for implementing the Projection-Result pattern.







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