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Terraform AWS CloudAccess LZA


The purpose of this module is to provision the baseline requirements for a landing zone environment, and to provide a pattern moving forward for pipeline access.


Add example usage here

## Provision the Landing Zone Access permissions
module "landing_zone" {
  source  = "appvia/cloudaccess-lza/aws"
  version = "0.0.1"

  aws_accounts = {
    network    = var.aws_accounts["network"]
    management = var.aws_accounts["management"]
  repositories = {
    accelerator_repository_url  = var.landing_zone_repositories.accelerator_repository_url
    connectivity_repository_url = var.landing_zone_repositories.connectivity_repository_url
    firewall_repository_url     = var.landing_zone_repositories.firewall_repository_url
    identity_repository_url     = var.landing_zone_repositories.identity_repository_url
  tags = var.tags

  providers = {
    management =
    network    =

CIS Alarms & Notifications

This module can configure CIS alarms and notifications. To enable this functionality, set the enable_cis_alarms variable to true. These will use a CloudWatch log group, defaulting to the AWS Control Tower organizational trail. In order to receive notifications on this events

  1. Use the notifications_emails variable to specify a list of email addresses to send notifications to.
enable_cis_alarms = true
notifications_emails = [""]

For notifications to slack

  1. Create a JSON secret lza/cloudaccess/alarms in AWS Secrets Manager with the following format:
  "webhook_url": ""
  "channel": "cloud-notifications"
  1. Use the slack_notification_secret_name variable to specify the name of the secret in AWS Secrets Manager that contains the Slack webhook URL.
enable_cis_alarms = true
notification_secret_name = "lza/cloudaccess/alarms"

Update Documentation

The terraform-docs utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below steps to update:

  1. Make changes to the .terraform-docs.yml file
  2. Fetch the terraform-docs binary (
  3. Run terraform-docs markdown table --output-file ${PWD}/ --output-mode inject .


Name Version
terraform >= 1.1.4
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
aws 5.47.0 5.47.0 5.47.0


Name Source Version
alarm_baseline appvia/alarm-baseline/aws 0.1.6
cost_management appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.2.1
default_boundary appvia/boundary-stack/aws 0.1.5
management_landing_zone appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.2.1
management_sso_identity appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.2.1
network_inspection_vpc_admin appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.2.1
network_transit_gateway_admin appvia/oidc/aws//modules/role 1.2.1
permissive_boundary appvia/boundary-stack/aws 0.1.5


Name Type
aws_cloudformation_stack.aws_support_stack_instance_management_account resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set.aws_support_stack resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set.identity_stackset resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance.aws_support_stack_instance resource
aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance.identity_stack resource
aws_iam_group.breakglass resource
aws_iam_group_policy_attachment.breakglass resource
aws_iam_group_policy_attachment.test-attach resource
aws_iam_policy.breakglass resource
aws_iam_policy.code_contributor resource
aws_iam_policy.code_release resource
aws_iam_policy.cost_iam_boundary resource
aws_iam_policy.costs_admin resource
aws_iam_policy.costs_viewer resource
aws_iam_policy.ipam_admin resource
aws_iam_policy.user_management resource
aws_iam_user.breakglass resource
aws_iam_user_group_membership.breakglass resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.breakglass data source
aws_organizations_organization.current data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_secretsmanager_secret.notification data source
aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.notification data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_accounts Map of AWS account names to their account IDs
network_account_id = optional(string, "")
remoteaccess_account_id = optional(string, "")
n/a yes
aws_support_role_name Name of the AWS Support role string "AWSSupportAccess" no
breakglass_users The number of breakglass users to create number 2 no
cloudaccess_terraform_state_ro_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role string "lza-cloudaccess-tfstate-ro" no
cloudaccess_terraform_state_rw_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role string "lza-cloudaccess-tfstate-rw" no
costs_boundary_name Name of the IAM policy to use as a permissions boundary for cost-related roles string "lza-costs-boundary" no
default_permissions_boundary_name Name of the default IAM policy to use as a permissions boundary string "lza-default-boundary" no
enable_aws_support Indicates if we should enable AWS Support role bool true no
enable_breakglass Indicates if we should enable breakglass users and group bool false no
enable_cis_alarms Indicates if we should enable CIS alerts bool true no
enable_slack_notifications Indicates if we should enable Slack notifications bool false no
enable_teams_notifications Indicates if we should enable Teams notifications bool false no
notification_emails List of email addresses to send notifications to list(string) [] no
notification_secret_name Name of the secret in AWS Secrets Manager that contains the secrets for notifications string "" no
permissive_permissions_boundary_name Name of the permissive IAM policy to use as a permissions boundary string "lza-permissive-boundary" no
repositories List of repository locations for the pipelines
accelerator = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-accelerator")
}), null)
connectivity = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-connectivity")
}), null)
cost_management = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-cost-management")
}), null)
firewall = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-firewall")
}), null)
identity = optional(object({
url = string
role_name = optional(string, "lza-identity")
}), null)
{} no
scm_name Name of the source control management system (github or gitlab) string "github" no
tags Tags to apply to all resources map(string) n/a yes


Name Description
cloudaccess_terraform_state_ro_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role
cloudaccess_terraform_state_rw_policy_name Name of the IAM policy to attach to the CloudAccess Terraform state role
default_permission_boundary_name The name of the default permissions iam boundary
default_permissive_boundary_name The name of the default permissive iam boundary
identity_role_ro_name The name of the IAM readonly role which can be assumed by the identity stack in all accounts
identity_role_rw_name The name of the IAM readwrite role which can be assumed by the identity stack in all accounts
identity_stack_name The name of the identity stack