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A REST API using Express. The API will provide a way for users to review educational courses: users can see a list of courses in a database; add courses to the database; and add reviews for a specific course. This project uses REST API design, Node.js, and Express to create API routes, along with Mongoose and MongoDB for data modeling, validatio…



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FSJS Project #11: Course-Rating-API-Express

This project uses REST API design, Node.js, and Express to create API routes, along with Mongoose and MongoDB for data modeling, validation, and persistence.
The API will provide a way for users to:

  • add a new user
  • review educational courses: users can see a list of courses in a database;
  • add courses to the database;
  • add reviews for a specific course.


Ensure that you have MongoDB installed on your local machine.
Get the REST API Running:
  • Clone the repo:

    git clone

  • cd into the project folder & install dependencies:

    $ npm i

  • Run:

    $ mongod

  • Load the seed-data by opening a separate terminal tab, cd to the src/database/seed-data folder & run the commands:

$ mongoimport --db api --collection users --type=json --jsonArray --file users.json

$ mongoimport --db api --collection reviews --type=json --jsonArray --file reviews.json

$ mongoimport --db api --collection courses --type=json --jsonArray --file courses.json
  • To run the API locally, in a new terminal tab enter:

    $ npm start or nodemon

  • Now you can use Postman to test the API routes, such as GET localhost:5000/api/courses.

  • POST a new user enter the data in this format:

	"fullName": 	    "Bob Jones",
	"emailAddress":     "",
	"password": 	    "password"
  • POST a new review in this format, with valid email & password in Postmans Basic Auth:
	"rating":     4,
	"review":   "Here is a new review, such wow."
  • POST a new course
    "reviews": [],
    "title": "New Course Title",
    "description": "Lorem gibson euro-pop narrative Tessier-Ashpool rain realism human RAF assassin carbon sign shanty town sub-orbital ICE Tokyo.",
    "estimatedTime": "12 hours",
    "materialsNeeded": "A Dungeon Master and lots of other stuff",
    "steps": [
            "stepNumber": 1,
            "title": "D&D Financing with Blockchain",
            "description": "Collect gold pieces."
  • Run the Tests in the console:

cd into test/

$ npm test


A REST API using Express. The API will provide a way for users to review educational courses: users can see a list of courses in a database; add courses to the database; and add reviews for a specific course. This project uses REST API design, Node.js, and Express to create API routes, along with Mongoose and MongoDB for data modeling, validatio…








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