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Сhoose on which vifm pane to open the current working directory when you enter, and into which directory from which of the panes would you navigate at the exit.


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Currently when you open vifm with vifm . the current path will be opened onto the left pane, despite on which pane you would like to open it.

This script in intended to fix this behaviour and allows to choose on which pane to open current path on enter, and into which directory from which of the panes to cd at the exit.

This script supports all types of vifm tabs: global and pane-wise (set with set tabscope=pane), and vifmimg script (if installed) which adds image preview with Überzug into vifm.


You may use your shell plugin manager. For example, to install with zsh-snap (zsh plugin manager) vifmpane as well as vifmimg add next lines into your .zshrc file:

znap install cirala/vifmimg
znap install anuvyklack/vifmpane

Or clone this repo and symlink vifmpane file into the directory that contains in the $PATH variable:

git clone --depth 1
cd vifmpane
ln -s $PWD/vifmpane $HOME/.local/bin/vifmpane


The behaviour of this script is configured with global variable VIFM_PANE_STRATEGY. There are three strategies to choose on which vifm pane open $PWD and into which directory navigate on exit. Default value is last.

  • left or first (both values are valid)
    Sync shell with the vifm left pane. On launch vifm the current path $PWD will be opened onto left pane. On exit cd to the directory on the vifm left pane.
  • right or second (both values are valid)
    Sync shell with the vifm right pane. When launch vifm the current path will be opened onto right pane. On exit cd to the directory on the vifm rigth pane.
  • last (default)
    On launch vifm the current path will be opened onto the vifm last active pane from the previous time you leave vifm. On exit cd into the directory from the last active pane.


In bash/zsh to navigate into selected directory on exit run:

source vifmpane

it will execute the script in the current process but not in a subshell.


To open vifm in current directory with Ctrl + o keybinding add next lines into your .zshrc file.

vifmcd() {
  zle .reset-prompt
  BUFFER=" source vifmpane"
  zle accept-line
zle -N vifmcd

# <C-o> - Launch vifm and cd to the last directory after closing it.
bindkey '^o' vifmcd


  • jq — vifm stores its data between sessions in JSON format. To install on Ubuntu/Debian execute:

    sudo apt-get install jq
  • vifmimg — (optional) for image preview.


Сhoose on which vifm pane to open the current working directory when you enter, and into which directory from which of the panes would you navigate at the exit.






