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Application implemented for a technical interview purposes


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Repository files navigation


Repository Grinder help you to get most commonly used files extensions in your GitHub repository, for e.g.: .cs, .yaml, .csproj, .gitignore, .sln. As you can see on above example, the given repository probably contains some C# project. It will crawl through repository and collect only five most common file extensions. Application implemented for a technical interview purposes I participated in, showing off beauty of IAsyncEnumerable<> and HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead on HttpClient.

Solution was build as ASP.NET Core application exposing restAPI. Call API endpoints to schedule job to process given code repository.

Development requirements

  1. Visual Studio 2022
  2. netCore 6
  3. Docker
  4. Powershell

Solution structure

There are few projects in solution

  • RepoGrinder - main webapp
  • RepoGrinder.Core.Client - core shared library for further client development
  • RepoGrinder.Github.Client - client library for GitHub
  • RepoGrinder.Tests - unit tests

Build and Test

The easiest way to build and play is to use Docker:

  1. Go to main folder with solution (should see the docker-compose.yaml file there)
  2. Open PowerShell console
  3. Run docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml build (optional when no changes to code)
  4. Run docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml up
  5. Open new tab in browser and navigate to http://localhost:8090/swagger
  6. Open new tab in browser and navigate to http://localhost:8090/hangfire

To run application from binaries, just navigate to RepoGrinder\bin\Debug\net6.0 folder and run RepoGrinder.exe.

To run unit tests you have to open solution in Visual Studio and use Test Explorer.

To run application in Visual Studio, set RepoGrinder as startup project and hit F5, a web browser should pop up with Swagger dashboard.

Using application

There are two main endpoints on Swagger documentation page:

  • job
  • results

To schedule job send, POST request to job endpoint with body

  "uri": ""

In response you will get:

  "id": "ed189862-736f-492d-8ef0-b9dbbcbf3104",
  "links": {
    "self": "localhost:7277/results/ed189862-736f-492d-8ef0-b9dbbcbf3104"

Surprised? Where are my extensions? By calling above endpoint you just scheduled a background job, which will be executed as soon as possible by Hangfire. What you got there is an id you can copy/paste into results endpoint request to get the extensions when job is finished. So you get:

  "id": "9058414b-0f4b-48be-a557-291f0bc46338",
  "url": "",
  "status": "Finished",
  "elapsed": "00:00:01.4191150",
  "results": [
  "links": {
    "self": "localhost:7277/results/9058414b-0f4b-48be-a557-291f0bc46338"


  • Pay attention to count of directories within a code repository, because of GitHub unauthenticated requests limits, which is 600 per hour, after that it returns 403 - mechanism of pulling file names have to recursively traverse whole repository, directory by directory.
  • When running app in Visual Studio the port number of exposed web pages and API may vary depend on current launch settings.
  • Application does not use any external storage to persist results - everything is in memory - so, when you restart the application, previous results will be gone.
  • GithubCrawlerClient.cs - this construct may look weird at the first glance, but what I wanted to achieve was limit - as much possible - the usage memory by streaming from the top to bottom. Also the usage of HttpClient is a bit unusual, as you can see HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead option there.


Things I'd really like to implement but already crossed the time boundary way much :)

  • Configure retry policy on AddHttpClient() to ensure retrying on failure, for e.g.: try max 3 times, with exponentially growing sleep time between
  • Implement couple of integration tests to show how it can be done, using Wiremock/Wiremock.Net to mimic GitHub API and Docker to run it.
  • More unit tests, especially to cover GithubCrawlerClient
  • Another simple client, for different source of files (let's say folder on disk), to show how easily it can be incorporated with current solution, registering factory for ICrawlerClient depend on URI supplying with required instance type by matching URI ( or files://c:/Windows).



Application implemented for a technical interview purposes





