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Multi-threading Exercises

This project contains situations for and examples of using multi-threading constructs from JDK and other libraries.


Hello World (a_hello_world.HelloWorld)

A warm up exercise to start a new thread and print out Hello world

Volatile Keyword (b_volatile.Volatile)

Use volatile to create memory barrier to make sure the variable latest state is visible to other threads

Race condition (c_race_condition)

Race condition is a situation that output depends on uncontrolled events.

Problem (AProblem)

Showing a common scenario causing race condition, two or more threads performing increment in a shared integer.

Fix with synchronized block (BFixWithSynchronizedBlock)

As with many problems in multi-threading, you can lock the increment code with synchronized block with the price of performance.

Fix with ReentrantLock (CFixByReenterantLock)

You can also lock the increment code with ReentrantLock. Additionally, it can set a timeout when try to acquire the lock so that it won't be blocked forever.

Fix with compare and swap (DFixByCAS)

For increment (and also decrement) operations, such as id generation, compare and swap (CAS) is more desirable since it is an atomic operation and don't require lock. In Java, Atomic* objects provide CAS operations.

Deadlock (d_deadlock)

Deadlock is a state that threads waiting for lock that is acquired by others, causing the process to wait indefinitely.


Create deadlock by making a thread to lock on object a and wait for object b while other thread is doing the reverse.

Visual VM detected a deadlock

The end of the thread dump shows the details about the deadlock

Fix with reentrant lock (BFixWithReentrantLock)

ReentrantLock provides method to lock and give up if timeout is provided. This allows process to wait for at most certain amount of time to avoid deadlock.

Fix with queue (CFixWithQueue)

All requests to given resource queues up and processed one be one. Single threaded executor guarantees all submitted tasks are executed sequentially by an unbounded queue.

Robot Laboratory (e_robot_laboratory)

In this laboratory, workers work on their own part, namely head and body, to produce single robot.

By count down latch (ByCountDownLatch)

With count down latch, a thread can wait for multiple threads to signal before continue it's work. Here, the count down latch is initialized with 2. Workers would call countDown() on the CountDownLatch. Once all work is done, thread would be wake up and execute code after latch.await();.

By future (ByFuture)

Workers are modeled into Callable for making head and body. Then they're submit to an executor service. Products by workers are obtained via get() on Future object returned during submission.

Burger Production Line (f_burger_production)

In this production line, many burgers are created by different workers producing meat and bun.

By Disruptor

Disruptor from LMAX is used for producing 100 burgers, meat worker and bun worker put meat and bun into the burger (Event) separately.


This project mainly inspired by I code according the and rearrange some usecases.


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