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Releases: anonymousbitcoin/anon-full-node-wallet

2.1.1 Windows Full Node Wallet Installer Update

16 May 05:44
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ANON Full Node Wallet Windows Installer


This installer is for ANON version 2.1.1 (using a 1.1.2 wrapper), you will need to manually update to v.2.2.0 "anond" and "anon-cli" binaries.

You may also need ZcashParams files, if you do not already have these. All coins on the sprout/sapling update require a "C:\Users\(YOURNAME)\appdata\roaming\ZcashParams" folder with common files.

This installer will install the Full Node Wallet in your "C:\Users\(YOURNAME)\appdata\roaming\ANON" folder by default.
Please change the location when you run the installer to "C:\ANON".

Using a bootstrap for faster syncing is OPTIONAL.
If you would like to speed up the syncing process download the found here: , and unzip into your "C:\Users\(YOURNAME)\appdata\roaming\ANON" folder.

2.0.1 Windows Full Node Wallet Installer

28 Jan 16:09
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ANON Full Node Wallet Windows Installer


If you already have the full node wallet installed, you only need to download and replace the latest anond.exe and anon-cli.exe. You do not need to re-install, as there are no changes made to the java wallet.

This installer will install the Full Node Wallet in your Program Files (x86) folder and create a shortcut on your desktop. This installer is for the ANON version 2.0.1

Installing this application is enough to sync up to the current height of the blockchain (21561 as of 5 November 2018).

If you would like to speed up the syncing process download the blocks and chainstate folders included in the two compressed folders found here:

Or directly download by clicking here:

Note: Run the ANON_bootstrap.part1.exe first, this will automatically extract the required folders in their required location.

2.0.1 Mac Full Node Wallet

04 Feb 22:28
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This Update includes

The ANON version 2.1.0 executables for Mac. It contains the Wallet ready to install as .DMG file or as .APP file.


29 Oct 21:42
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This Update includes

  1. Fix wallet opening incorrect explorer URLs
  2. Addition of URLs for proposals. URLs are hyperlinked

Windows Full Node Wallet Installer

07 Nov 15:08
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ANON Full Node Wallet Windows Installer


This installer will install the Full Node Wallet in your Program Files (x86) folder and create a shortcut on your desktop.

Installing this application is enough to sync up to the current height of the blockchain (21561 as of 5 November 2018).

If you would like to speed up the syncing process download the blocks and chainstate folders included in the two compressed folders found here:

Or directly download by clicking here:

Note: Run the ANON_bootstrap.part1.exe first, this will automatically extract the required folders in their required location.

V1.1.1 Fixed closing issue

23 Oct 19:43
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This Update includes

1. Fix for wallet closing bug

  • This bug would freeze the wallet on a normal close requiring the use of activity monitor or task manager to force close the application
  • Credit goes to btclinux. PR #29


15 Oct 21:28
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This Release uses Anon v1.1.0


This update adds the Governance Panel.

screen shot 2018-10-03 at 1 26 33 pm

By copying the Hash value of the Governance Object and pasting it into Govbject TX Hash field, a user can vote for a proposal by alias or using all their masternodes. To vote a proposal to be funded, a user would select Funding in the dropdown menu

screen shot 2018-10-03 at 1 27 41 pm

screen shot 2018-10-03 at 1 29 32 pm

Using the Proposal Generator, users can generate a new proposal
screen shot 2018-10-03 at 3 18 35 pm

A user would copy the prepare wallet command produced
screen shot 2018-10-03 at 1 56 58 pm

And paste into the Create new GovObject modal in the wallet
screen shot 2018-10-03 at 1 46 25 pm

This will return a Transaction ID which will be pasted into the proposal generator
screen shot 2018-10-03 at 1 47 20 pm

The user must then wait for 6 blocks to be mined
screen shot 2018-10-03 at 2 02 29 pm

They will then receive the submit command
screen shot 2018-10-03 at 2 24 58 pm

They shall paste that command into the wallet along with the Transaction ID (separated by a space)
screen shot 2018-10-03 at 3 36 10 pm

Once they press Submit Proposal, the proposal will be entered into the blockchain. Within a few seconds, the proposal will appear in their wallet and the explorer.

This update also includes implementation of Travis Continuous Integration. Travis runs a build script after every push to github to ensure the wallet can be built.

Masternode Collateral UI Bug Fix

28 Sep 16:23
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NOTE: This release uses Anon v.1.2.0 and up only


Fixes UI bug which displays Masternode Collateral red although the masternodeCollateral and the masternodeUCCollaterral matched. This is issue was caused by masternodeCollateral being compared to totalUCBalance as opposed to masternodeUCCollaterral.


24 Sep 22:47
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This release adds masternode collateral balance in dashboard panel. This release uses Anon v.1.2.0 and up

ANON Full Node Wallet v1.0.0

18 Sep 15:45
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Anon Full Node Wallet v1.0.0

WARNING: Be careful when using this software! It is highly experimental.
Always test with small amounts first! It is your responsibility to properly handle your private keys!

Please refer to the issues section if you come across errors. We are currently still developing and working to improve the quality of the wallet. It is always advised to use the terminal to interact with the full node.

Currently, there is no way to fully create a master node within the wallet. To do so, you will need to follow guides and create one through the terminal.

If you're goal is simply claim ANON coins, then you may also use supported light wallets such as zelTreZ, who also offer the option of hosting a full node.

Windows, Mac (Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra), Linux

Before installation:

Install JDK 10

Setting up your configuration file: (anon.conf)

Ensure your anon.conf file DOES NOT contain the line testnet=1. Remove this line completely and save.

Running the .jar will automatically set up ~/.anon/anon.conf for you. In some cases, you may need to edit it manually. It should contain:


You will need the latest version of Java.

To build from source, follow the instructions in

For Linux, you must compile Anon first. You can find the instructions here. Then you can build the GUI from the source or download the AnonymousDesktopWallet-1.0.0.jar and paste it into /home/USERNAME/anon/src/

NOTE: You may need to make the file executable, which can be done with the following command:

chmod u+x AnonymousDesktopWallet-1.0.0.jar

For Mac, you will download the .dmg file. Follow the instructions to move the Anonymous Desktop into the applications folder. Open the Applications folder in finder. Double click the Anonymous Desktop

For Windows, place the AnonymousDesktopWallet_1.0.0.exe into the Anon node src folder. Example: cp AnonymousDesktopWallet_1.0.0.exe ~/anon/src/. Double click the AnonymousDesktopWallet_1.0.0.exe.

Keep your private keys safe! Always back them up right away!
Your wallet file is located at -

Windows: %APPDATA%\anon\wallet.dat

Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Anon/wallet.dat

Linux: ~/.anon/wallet.dat

If you make an encrypted wallet.dat, don't lose or share the password!

Base CLI wallet (Anon anon-cli, anond) built from source -