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About the Project

Have you ever been on the bus, or in the gym listening to music through your headphones? Have you ever looked around and saw other people listening through their headphones as well? Have you ever wondered what they are listening to?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, this app is for you!

ListenIn is a mobile-first web application that allows users to connect their Spotify account and view what other users in their area (within 1km radius) are listening to. Users can preview others' songs, listen to them in their own Spotify app, and save them for later in their personalized track pocket.

Tech Stack

  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • PostgreSQL
  • SCSS
  • Spotify API
  • Mapbox

Getting Started

First, fork this repo so you get your own copy of it. Once you have done that, you can clone your new repo to your machine, and get started.

You will need to create a Spotify developer id and secret key which will be placed in the rails backend.

You need TWO terminals for this.

In one terminal, run bundle to install the dependencies. Run bin/rake db:setup to create the databases (called rails_project_development by default). Run bin/rails s to run the server.

In the other terminal, cd into client. Run npm install. Rename the .env.example file to be called .env. Then run npm start and go to localhost:3000 in your browser.

Contact Us!

Julia Jachimowicz
Brandon Miller
Anne Franklin


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  • Ruby 46.2%
  • JavaScript 36.5%
  • CSS 14.2%
  • HTML 3.1%