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User Based Movie Recommendation Engine Using Netflix Movie Dataset

Domain : Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning.
Sub-Domain : Recommendation Engine, Recommender System.
Techniques : Collaborative Filtering, User-User Collaborative Filtering.


  1. Developed user-based movie recommendation system by implementing user-user collaborative filtering.
  2. Used Netflix movie dataset containing 100,000 user records for developing recommendation engine.
  3. Reduced run time and space complexity significantly.
  4. Implementation in both C++ and Python separately.

For Python implementation:

  1. Please open "AnjanaTihaMachineLearningProjectvFinal.ipynb" file in python notebook(Anaconda contains most libraries)
  2. Provide "movie_titles.txt" and "ratings.txt" file location in each file read function for moie_titles and ratings.
  3. Run all cells in the file.
  4. After running, user id and recommendation size K will be asked.
  5. Upon providing user id and recommendation size, K titles and year of recommended movies will be displayed from most most recommended in descending order.

For C++ implementation:

  1. Please open "movie_recom.cpp" file in a isual Studio/Eclipse/ other C++ software tools project. Use an ecplipse project already provided under the zip file(Contains two seperate implementation for C++ and Python). Please use 7zip software for unzipping ""
  2. Provide "movie_titles.txt" and "ratings.txt" file location in argument in Visual Studio/Eclipse/ other C++ software tools in source code.
  3. Build and Run.
  4. After running, user id and recommendation size K will be asked.
  5. Upon providing user id and recommendation size, K titles and year of recommended movies will be displayed from most most recommended in descending order. Note: C++ implementation used C++ 11 version.
Languages : Python, C++
Tools/IDE : Anaconda, Visual Studio
Libraries :
Duration : February - April 2017

Current Version : v1.0.0.0

Last Update : 04.30.2017