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How to use

To run NNVIZ on your trained network you need to create a Then run nnviz server in the same directory as


Config file for nnviz

from nnviz.utils import * # Necessary for using nnviz utilities.

import numpy as np 
import tensorflow as tf 

from tensorflow.keras.models import model_from_json
from os import path as pathlib

model_path = pathlib.abspath("./examples/notebooks/saved_model/mnist_dense_diff.json")
weights_path = pathlib.abspath("./examples/notebooks/saved_model/mnist_dense_diff")

Data Prep

(x,y),(_,_) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() # Load dataset
x = x.astype(np.float32).reshape(-1,784) # Prepare for input

# This will be used for setting outputs.

input_config = {
    "examples":[ # Look at input_examples for detailed explaination
        for i in np.random.randint(0,len(x),20)
    "input_layers_config":{ # Look at input_layers_config for detailed explaination
    "input_nodes":['input'] # Look at input_nodes for detailed explaination

model = model_from_json(open(model_path,"r").read()) # Create model from 

* API is not fully functioning yet.

To Do

  1. Add different input types
  2. Create a service sidebar
  3. Customizable Network UI

Input Templates / Types

1. Image

Input   : Image with shape ( h,w,c ) for RGB images, (h,w) for greyscale images.
Renders : 128x128 Image 

2. Row

Input   : A list of tuples containing column name and column value.
Renders : A table