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Azure Container Registry (ACR) with Private Endpoint

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This repository contains terraform configuration to deploy an Azure Container Registry with Private Endpoint.


  • Terraform version >= 1.x.x
  • Appropriate Azure permissions which allow to create resources defined in the configuration.


For terraform configuration use the following variable files

  • terraform/environments/dev/variables.tfvars - Describes unique values for dev environment

  • terraform/environments/<any environment dir>/variables.tfvars - Create a directory for your specific environment like stage, prod etc.

  • terraform/ - Describes all variables and sets default values which are common for all environments

Variable Description Type Default Value
subscription_id ID of the Azure subscription where Terraform should provision resource. Use az account show --query id to query subscription id string ""
tenant_id Azure AD tenant ID where needed by Terraform in order to authenticate with service principal. Use az account show --query tenantId to query tenantId string ""
tags Tags to be applied to the resources map(string) {}
location Azure region where resources should be provisioned string "westeurope"
azure_resource_group Name of the Azure resource group where resources should be provisioned string ""
acr_private_endpoint_vnet_name Name of the virtual network where ACR private endpoint should be provisioned string ""
acr_private_endpoint_vnet_cidr CIDR of the virtual network where ACR private endpoint should be provisioned string ""
acr_private_endpoint_subnet_name Name of the subnet where ACR private endpoint should be provisioned string ""
acr_private_endpoint_subnet_cidr CIDR of the subnet where ACR private endpoint should be provisioned string ""
acr_sku SKU of the Azure Container Registry string "Premium"
acr_name Name of the Azure Container Registry string ""
additional_source_vnets Map of additional source virtual networks to be linked to the ACR's private DNS zone and peered to ACR private endpoint VNet.vnet_resource_group_name - name of the resource group where source VNet is deployed. vnet_name - name of the vnet which should be linked to azure private DNS. vnet_id - virtual network id which should be linked to azure private DNS you can grep a vnet id with azure cli az network vnet show --name <vnet name> --resource-group <vnet resource group name> --query id -otsv map(object) {}


Note: Commands listed bellow written with assumption that you run them from terraform directory.

Please do not forget to set access_key in backend-config or alternatively you can retrieve storage account key with:

export access_key=$(az storage account keys list --account-name <storage-account-name> --query [0].value)

and pass it directly to terraform command.

In order to test terraform configuration you can use the following commands:

terraform init -backend-config="environments\dev\backend-config.tfvars" # If you keep access_key in backend-config.tfvars
terraform init -backend-config="environments\dev\backend-config.tfvars" -backend-config="access_key=$access_key" # If would like to pass access_key directly to terraform

terraform plan -var-file="environments\dev\variables.tfvars"


In order to deploy terraform configuration you can use the following commands:

terraform apply -var-file="environments\dev\variables.tfvars" --auto-approve

Important Post-Deployment Notes

  • If your AKS cluster is provisioned in a separate vNet then you need to link a private DNS used for the ACR private endpoint to that vNet. Same is valid for all other vNets from which you would like to resolve ACR. If you would like to link any additional vNets with ACR private DNS use this module

  • If you disable public access for your ACR then you need to make sure that you are able to connect to your ACR private endpoint. For example you have ExpressRoute connection to your ACR private endpoint VNet or if this connection is within Azure Network you have a peering between your ACR private endpoint VNet and VNet from which you would like to access ACR. You can setup peering by using this module


In order to remove terraform configuration you can use the following commands:

terraform plan -var-file="environments\dev\variables.tfvars" -destroy
terraform destroy -var-file="environments\dev\variables.tfvars" -auto-approve


Terraform configuration to deploy private azure ACR







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