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Postapp Android Architecture Components

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Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)(without frameworks)

MVVM Components

Continuous Integration Using Tavis

How it looks

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Getting Started

This project uses the Gradle build system. To build this project, use the gradlew build command or use "Import Project" in Android Studio.

There are one Gradle pluggin to run the test and get the coverage report using jacoco ./gradlew jacocoTestReport

the data commes from Create an app that lists all messages and their details from Jsonplaceholder end points :

When the database is created by first time triger worker SycDataWorker in order to dowload the post and User data and save it

There are three main layer: data: in this module has all details Service and Data base model: has the object presentation This module has all android framework

each modules has his own object and interact using mappers. The viewModel are injecting by a own factory but is easy replace the implemantation by Dagger2 or koin

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  • DataBase there 3 tables without relationship (TODO improve that)
  • create the viewModesl test
  • create the Storage test

Libraries Used :


Google Codelabs:

