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A Symfony Bundle to easily integrate Google reCAPTCHA into Symfony Form


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Google ReCAPTCHA Bundle

Symfony Bundle - AndanteProject

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A Symfony Bundle to easily integrate Google reCAPTCHA into Symfony Form.


Symfony 4.x-6.x and PHP 7.4-8.x.


Via Composer:

$ composer require andanteproject/recaptcha-bundle



After install, make sure you have the bundle registered in your symfony bundles list (config/bundles.php):

return [
    /// bundles...
    Andante\ReCaptchaBundle\AndanteReCaptchaBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    /// bundles...

This should have been done automagically if you are using Symfony Flex. Otherwise, just register it by yourself.


Create a new andante_re_captcha.yaml configuration file and sets Google ReCAPTCHA v2 secret and site_key.

  secret: 'put_here_your_google_recaptcha_v2_secret'
  site_key: 'put_here_your_google_recaptcha_v2_site_key'

Dev/test environment Configuration

Please note: If you don't want to be annoyed by recaptcha in your development/test environment, just use secret key and site key you can find in this Google ReCAPTCHA documentation page. Furthermore, you can create a test configuration to disable Andante\ReCaptchaBundle\Validator\Constraint\ReCaptchaValidator in test environment:

  enable_validation: false #default: true


After this, you can add Andante\ReCaptchaBundle\Form\ReCaptchaType Form type in your forms like you always do with other types.

use Andante\ReCaptchaBundle\Form\ReCaptchaType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;

class RegistrationFormType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
            // ...
            // All your form fields
            // ...
            ->add('recaptcha', ReCaptchaType::class);

Done! 🎉

You also have 2 options to change ReCAPTCHA theme or size.

$builder->add('recaptcha', ReCaptchaType::class, [
    'theme' => 'dark', // default is "light"
    'size' =>  'compact' // default is "normal"

Using the option 'theme' => 'dark' is especially useful if your app has a dark mode.

How to change validation process

Validation is handled by Andante\ReCaptchaBundle\Validator\Constraint\ReCaptchaValidator, which is a default constraint inside ReCaptchaType options. If you want to replace it with your own or disable it for whatever reason, just empty/replace form type constraints option.

$builder->add('recaptcha', ReCaptchaType::class, [
    'constraints' => [
        // Default value is Constraints\NotBlank + Constraint\Recaptcha 

Built with love ❤️ by AndanteProject team.