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Dunelm Pairing Exercise

This repo contains the source for the Dunelm pairing exercise. Here's some useful information to get you started.


  1. This is a monorepo containing the following services:
  • api - a node service written using ExpressJS and responsible for retrieving and returning product data
  • aggregator - a GraphQL node service written using ExpressJS and Apollo responsible for aggregating services (the api service)
  • app - a web application written using React
  1. You can find these services within the packages folder.
  2. The architecture of these services is as follows.
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
|               |        |               |        |               |
|               |        |               |        |               |
|               |  http  |               |  http  |               |
|      app      +------->+  aggregator   +------->+      api      |
|    (React)    |        |   (GraphQL)   |        |   (Express)   |
|               |        |               |        |               |
|               |        |               |        |               |
+---------------+        +---------------+        +---------------+
  1. If you don't have any experience with GraphQL please feel free to bypass the aggregator and call the api directly. You can find instructions on how to achieve this in packages/app/src/App.jsx.

Pre Requisites

Getting Started

  • Run yarn to install all dependencies
  • Run yarn start to run all services
  • Run yarn test to execute tests
  • Navigate to a specific package (e.g. packages/app) and run yarn test:watch to execute tests which re-run after code changes.

Running the application will start all the services and open your browser at http://localhost:3000. All services are watched using webpack or nodemon respectively so whilst developing there should be no need to restart.


  • Please approach the exercise in the same way you would when writing software commercially.
  • Write tests if you feel they're required.
  • Use all your tools (git etc.) appropriately.
  • Feel free to google if you need additional information.
  • Feel free to install any npm dependencies you need (yarn add dependency-name).
  • If you're unsure about anything during the exercise then please ask for clarification.


As a Dunelm customer
I want to view all products
So that I can choose which ones to buy

Story #1

Given I have accessed the Dunelm website
When I visit the home page
Then I must be presented with a list of all products


  1. A list of products can be found in packages/api/products.json. This should be treated as the data source for the api.

  2. Display the following properties for all products

    • name
    • description
    • category
    • color
    • price
    • inStock

Story #2

Given I have accessed the Dunelm website
When I visit the home page
And I choose to view buyable products only
Then I must be presented with a list of products available to purchase

Notes: buyable products are those which have their inStock property set to true.


What are the top three things you could do to improve your solution?


No description, website, or topics provided.






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