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Mutual betting is widely adopted in gambling and applied to horse racing, greyhound racing and sports betting. Altbet is the first platform that combines this model with blockchain technology, what allows to benefit from the advantages of own cryptocurrency.

In the long-term perspective, Altbet aspires to become world’s leading online mutual betting platform.

We do believe that having the best product / best offer is the key. Our team is planning to offer perfect platform for mutual betting and gambling which will be fully transparent thanks to our custom provably fair system. Altbet platform is and will be one of the kind.

View our website for more details

About ABET cryptocurrency

Abet is an experimental digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Abet uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Abet Core is the name of open source software which enables the use of this currency.

Table of Contents


Specification Descriptor
Ticker ABET
Algorithm QUARK
RPC Port 9322
P2P Port 8322
Masternode Collateral 1000 ABET
Block Spacing 120 Seconds
PoW Period nHeight ≤ 500
PoS Period nHeight ≥ 501
Protocol Support IPV4, IPV6, TOR, I2P

PoS Staking Requirements

Requirement Details
Confirmations 120 Blocks
Amount 10 ABET (Per Input)
Wallet Unlocked for Staking

PoS Block Rewards

Subsidy Block Reward Reward Split Note
SWAP 501-7200 0.25 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 10 days
Phase 1 7201-72000 2.60 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 90 days
Phase 2 72001-136800 2.50 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 90 days
Phase 3 136801-266400 2.40 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 180 days
Phase 4 266401-396000 2.30 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 180 days
Phase 5 396001-655200 2.20 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 360 days
Phase 6 655201-914400 2.10 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 360 days
Phase 7 914401∞ 2.00 ABET 90% MN / 10% POS 35+ years


ABET Core is released under the terms of the MIT license. See for more information or see

ABET uses components from PIVX Core, which uses components of both Bitcoin and DASH.


The revolutionary mutual betting platform with provably fair odds based on own cryptocurrency.



MIT, MIT licenses found

Licenses found






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