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Includes my course and workshop presentations built with slidev.js

Build From Source Instructions
  1. Follow the instruction on slidev.js Github page.
  2. Create the slideshow using markdown and html.
  3. To run preview in real-time locally;
    1. Duplicate the template folder.
    2. Rename it.
    3. Open it on VS Code.
    4. Open Terminal run slidev -o
    5. Add all images into publicfolder.
  4. To deploy the presentation
    1. If the source files are located in a subfolder under the root, you must set the --base parameter. This required in order to load relevant files and assets properly on a Github page or your custom domain.
    2. Run slidev build --base /Name_of_the_Repo/Name_of_the_subfolder/dist/ E.g. slidev build --base /Slidev_Presentations/OMM_Arduino_Workshop/dist/
Link to COD 207 Creative Coding Presentations
  • Creativity
  • Creative Coding?
  • Foods for source
  • Syllabus handed-out
  • Programming, Coding & Programming Languages
  • Openprocessing Web App
  • Examples
  • Hello World
  • Drawing Order → Swap object back and forth
  • Styling → fill(), noStroke()
  • Computational Thinking Framework
  • Case Study: Piet Mondrian's artwroks
  • Styling Objects → stroke(), noStroke(), noFill()...
  • Variables → Why we need them?
  • Static vs. Dynamic values
  • Case Study: Transform position, size, and style many object using three variables.
  • Computational Thinking as a tool to generate algorithms
  • What is Generative Art?
  • 50s Computer Art Scene → Computers and Automation Magazine
  • Deterministic & Stochastic Randomness
  • Randomness in Algorithmic (Generative) Art
  • Case Study: random() function to create variations
  • Logical Operators
  • If / Else Conditions
  • For Loops
  • Logic and Randomness
  • Combine randomness with conditionals
  • Fundamental computer interaction tools: Computer mouse & keyboard
  • Modify objects on the canvas via the user input
  • mousePressed() and keyPressed() functions
  • Make one of the sketches interactive
  • Generative Art Paradigms: Tesselation / Tiling
  • Import Image, sound and video
  • Case Study: Create generative collage
  • Arrays
  • Display text on the canvas
  • text(), textSize(), textAlign(), loadFont()
  • Poster Design
  • Deconstruction / Reconstruction
  • Generative Typography

week 11: Final Project Discussion

  • Prepare moodboard for the final project
  • Background information (Inspiration & Purpose)
  • Peer-discussions

week 12: Final Project Proposals

week 13: Final Project Reviews

week 14: Final Project Presentations

Link to COD 208 Creative Coding Presentations

week 04: What is Interactivity?

  • week 04 Presentation
  • Crawford's three principles for interactivity; Speaking, Listening, Processing
  • Levels of interaction. Is the concept of interaction measurement subjective or objective?
  • Two actors at least
  • Intellectual dignity
  • Resembles to Campbell's "controllable systems"

week 05: Metaphors in Interaction Design

  • week 05 Presentation
  • Crawford's 5 Steps to create metaphors
  • Why do metaphors crucial in design and coding?
  • How do we perceive metaphors?
    • Neuroscience → Feature Extraction
    • Edge Detection
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Facial Feature Extraction
  • Metaphors in computational environments.

week 06: Generative Design Through Pseudo-Intuition

  • week 06 Presentation
  • Intuiton and Design
  • Randomness & Pseudo-randomness
  • Why do people use masks? History, background
  • Programming a mask
  • Making a generative mask: Implementation of human intuition

## week 07: Machine Learning with ml5.js Library

  • week 07 Presentation
  • What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)
  • Machine Learning -> ml5 library
  • faceApi + Generative Mask mapping.
Link to COD 412 Sound In New Media Presentations

week 04: Hearing Through Listening

  • week 04 Presentation
  • Michel Chion's Listening Modes
  • Casual Listening
  • Semantic Listening
  • Reduced Listening

week 05: Acoustic Ecology

  • week 05 Presentation
  • R. Murray Schafer's "World Soundscape Project"
  • What is Acoustic Ecology (Ecoacoustics)?
  • Soundscape?
    • Keynote
    • Signal
    • Soundmark
  • Hi-fi vs. Lo-fi soundscapes?

week 06: Sound In Films

  • week 06 Presentation
  • Diegetic, Non-diegetic and Internal Diegetic sounds
  • Acousmatic experience
  • Acoustic Ecology sound classfication notes

week 07: Sound Art

  • week 07 Presentation
  • What is Sound Art?
  • Historical figures; Russolo, Cage, Xenakis, Stochausen,...
  • Techniques, Tools and Mediums Used in Sound Art
  • Effects on society
  • Sound artists showcase
Link to Workshop Presentations

OMM Arduino Workshop

  • Creative Coding.

  • Microcontrollers (Arduino) in design & art.

  • Case Studies.

  • Hands in mud → Demonstrations;

    • Arduino Programming Environment.
    • Blink a led.
    • Control led blinking state.
    • Read data from a photocell.
    • Adjust led light intensity according to photocell input serial data.