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UOCIS322 - Project 1

A "getting started" project for CIS 322, introduction to software engineering, at the University of Oregon.


What is this repository for?

The objectives of this mini-project are:

  • Experience the git workflow with separate configuration: Fork the project, make and test changes locally, commit; turn in configuration file with reference to repo. (Project 0 is practice for this part.)
  • Extend a tiny web server in Python, to check understanding of basic web architecture
  • Use automated tests to check progress (plus manual tests for good measure)

What do I need? Where will it work?

  • Use the server to test, edit wherever you'd like.

  • The server currently has all the requirements (if you don't know your credentials, contact me.)

  • Designed to work in "user mode" (unprivileged), therefore using a port number above 1000.


  • Fork this repository to create your own repository on GitHub, and make sure it is PUBLIC. (Read the documentation as needed, and create an account on GitHub if you don't have one. You should've already done finished this as part of Project 0.)

  • Clone your repository onto the machine you want to work on.

  • Add the following functionality in (a) If URL ends with name.html or name.css (i.e., if path/to/name.html is in document path (from DOCROOT)), send content of name.html or name.css with proper http response. (b) If name.html is not in current directory Respond with 404 (not found). (c) If a page starts with or includes one of the symbols(~ // ..), and that includes the initial forward slash that all requests have, respond with 403 forbidden error. For example, url=hostname:5000/ or /~name.html would give 403 forbidden error.

  • Make and test your changes. Use both automated tests (the script in the tests directory) and some manual tests.

  • Revise this file: Erase what is no longer relevant and add identifying information. If you have concerns about adding your email ID, let me know.

    ## Author: John Doe, ##
  • Copy the credentials-skel.ini file to credentials.ini, then edit it to contain correct information including your GitHub repository URL. credentials.ini should NOT be under version control (exclude it using your .gitignore file)

  • Commit and push ALL your changes to GitHub (except those not under revision control)

  • Test deployment in other environments. Deployment should work "out of the box" with this command sequence:

    git clone <yourGitRepository> <targetDirectory>
    cd <targetDirectory>
    make run


    make start

    test it with a browser now; send a request

    make stop
  • Alternatively, use the script under tests folder to test the expected outcomes in an automated fashion. It is accompanied by README file and comments (inside explaining how to test your code.

  • Check and revise your credentials.ini file. The autograder will read this. Be precise. The autograder IS NOT very good at guessing what you meant to write.

  • Turn in the credentials.ini file in Canvas. Autograder will use this file to access your GitHub repository.

Grading Rubric

  • Your code works as expected: 100 points

  • For every wrong functionality (i.e., (a), (b), and (c) above), 20 points will be docked off.

  • If none of the functionalities work, 40 points will be given. Assuming the credentials.ini is submitted with the correct URL of your repo.

  • If credentials.ini is not submitted or the repo is not found, 0 will be assigned.


Michal Young, Ram Durairajan, Steven Walton, Joe Istas.


UOCIS322 - Project 1 - Page Server






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