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toyterm is a toy terminal emulator for Linux.



  • hardware accelerated graphics
  • support for SIXEL graphics
  • support for X11 clipboard (copying & pasting)
  • manual font fallback: you can specify the order of fonts for each style
  • support for mouse reporting
  • (optional) support for multiplexing
  • toyterm assumes UTF-8 encoding
  • following basic functions are TODO
    • automatic font selection by integrating with fontconfig
    • support for operating systems other than Linux


To install:

$ git clone
$ cd toyterm
$ tic -x -o "$HOME/.terminfo/"
$ cargo install --path .
  • To enable multiplexing feature, please add "--features multiplex" to the last line.
  • To install the terminfo globally, please do $ sudo tic -x instead.

To configure:

$ mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/toyterm"
$ cp ./config.toml "$HOME/.config/toyterm"
$ $EDITOR "$HOME/.config/toyterm/config.toml"

To uninstall:

$ rm "$HOME/.terminfo/t/toyterm-256color"
$ cargo uninstall toyterm
$ rm -r "$HOME/.config/toyterm"
  • If you would like to remove the globally installed terminfo, please try $ sudo rm /usr/share/terminfo/t/toyterm-256color too.


Key Function
Ctrl + - Decrease font size
Ctrl + = Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + c Copy selected text
Ctrl + Shift + v Paste clipboard text
Ctrl + Shift + l Clear history
Up key Send \x1b[[A
Down key Send \x1b[[B
Right key Send \x1b[[C
Left key Send \x1b[[D
PageUp key Send \x1b[5~
PageDown key Send \x1b[6~
Delete key Send \x1b[3~
Backspace key Send \x7f
Mouse Wheel Same effect as arrow keys (Up/Down/Right/Left)
Shift + Mouse Wheel Scroll history

If feature multiplex is enalbed:

Key Function
Ctrl + a, c Create a new window
Ctrl + a, n Switch to next window
Ctrl + a, p Switch to prev window
Ctrl + a, % Split current pane vertically
Ctrl + a, " Split current pane horizontally
Ctrl + a, z Maximize current pane
Ctrl + a, s Save current layout
Ctrl + a, r Restore saved layout
Ctrl + a, x Close currently focused pane
Ctrl + a, Up/Down/Left/Right Focus up/down/left/right pane
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + Up Move the partition up (i.e. Decrease the width of upper pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + Down Move the partition down (i.e. Increase the width of upper pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + Left Move the partition left (i.e. Decrease the width of left pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + Right Move the partition right (i.e. Increase the width of right pane)
Ctrl + a, Ctrl + a Send \x01 (Ctrl + a)

Control Functions

toyterm aims to support the standard control functions described in ECMA-48. Some private functions, widely used by modern terminals, may be supported as well. Currently toyterm supports the following functions.

C0 functions

  • BS
  • CR
  • ESC
  • FF
  • HT
  • LF
  • VT

C1 functions

  • CSI

Control Sequences

  • CHA

  • CUB

  • CUD

  • CUF

  • CUP

  • CUU

  • DCH

  • DL

  • DSR

  • ECH

  • ED

  • EL

  • HVP

  • ICH

  • IL

  • RM

  • SGR

    • Default: \e[0m, \e[m
    • Bold: \e[1m
    • Faint: \e[2m
    • Blinking (slow): \e[5m
    • Blinking (rapid): \e[6m
    • Negative: \e[7m
    • Consealed: \e[8m
    • Foreground Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White: \e[30m..\e[37m
    • Foreground Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White (Bright): \e[90m..\e[97m
    • Foreground Default: \e[39m
    • Foreground Gaming: \e[70m
    • Foreground RGB: \e[38;2;{R};{G};{B}m
    • Foreground 256 color: \e[38;5;{idx}m
    • Background Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White: \e[40m..\e[47m
    • Background Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White (Bright): \e[100m..\e[107m
    • Background Default: \e[49m
    • Background Gaming: \e[80m
    • Background RGB: \e[48;2;{R};{G};{B}m
    • Background 256 color: \e[48;5;{idx}m
  • SM

  • VPA

  • SetScrollRegion (DECSTBM): \e[{top};{bottom}r

  • SelectCursorStyle:

    • Default (Block): \e[0 q
    • Block: \e[2 q
    • Underline: \e[4 q
    • Bar: \e[6 q

Device Control Function

Other Sequences

  • SaveCursor (DECSC): \e7
  • RestoreCursor (DECRC): \e8


toyterm supports the following modes.

  • Cursor Visible Mode (?25)
    • Set: cursor is visible.
    • Reset: cursor is invisible.
  • Sixel Scrolling Mode (?80)
    • Set: a sixel image is displayed at the current cursor position.
    • Reset: a sixel image is displayed at the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Normal Mouse Tracking (?1000)
    • Set: enable sending mouse report
    • Reset: disable sending mouse report
  • SGR Extended Mode Mouse Tracking (?1006)
    • Set: enable SGR extended mode mouse tracking, change response of mouse click
    • Reset: disable SGR extended mode mouse tracking
  • Alternate Screen Buffer Mode (?1049)
    • Set: clear the screen, save the cursor position, and switch to the alternate screen.
    • Reset: restore the saved cursor position, and switch back to the primary screen.
  • Bracketed Paste Mode (?2004)
    • Set: insert \x1b[200~ at the beginning and \x1b[201~ at the end of a pasted text.
    • Reset: a pasted text is send to the terminal as if it was typed by user.


This software is licensed under MIT License.

The embedded fonts (M PLUS 1 Code) are redistributed under the Open Font License (OFL). See also src/font/OFL.txt for more details.