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A ReactJS password change box component built using the FluentUI library


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Background music: Gary Moore - The Loner - Live at Hammersmith Odeon.


A ReactJS password change box built using the FluentUI library. It features a basic structure with some options to customize the overall structure and layout:

  • one can opt to also require that the user enter the existing password;
  • one can opt between a couple of layout variations: fixed or fluid, framed (that is, within a rectangle drawn using a discrete shadow) or un-framed and center or un-centered.

Here's a screenshot of how it all looks like using the default styling:


  1. Installation
  2. Demo
  3. Basic Usage
  4. Styling
  5. Building
  6. Customization Options
  7. Events
  8. Changelog
  9. Donate


npm install --save lvd-fluentui-passwordchangebox


The demo directory contains a compiled and ready-to-run example. Just open up the index.html file.

Basic Usage

import React from 'react';
import { PasswordChangeBox } from 'lvd-fluentui-passwordchangebox';

class PasswordChangeBoxPage extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {

		this._handlePasswordChangeValuesChanged = 
		this._handlePasswordChangeRequested = 
		this._handleBackRequested = 

	_handlePasswordChangeValuesChanged(oldValues, newValues) {
		//do something, if desired

	_handlePasswordChangeRequested(values) {
		//save new password

	_handleBackRequested(values) {
		//navigate to wherever the user initially came from

	render() {
		return (


You can either directly include the dist/style.css into your html web page or use the @import directive inside your stylesheet if building using webpack:

@import '~lvd-fluentui-passwordchangebox/dist/style.css';

Also see the component itself.


To build the demo application:

npm run build-app

To build the library:

npm run build-dist

To build both in one sitting:

npm run build

Forwarded APIs

From version 0.0.3 onwards, for convenience, the following API artefacts are forwarded from the underlying password box component:

  • PasswordCallbackRule,

  • PasswordRegexRule,

  • PasswordEvaluator,

  • PasswordLengthRule,

  • PasswordStrengthIndicator,

  • StrengthIndicatorStyles,

  • PasswordStrengthLevels,

  • getAllAvailableLevels,

  • getAvailableLevelCount.

Customization Options

What Prop Name Type Notes
Disable component disabled boolean Cascades to all fields and buttons. Defaults to false.
Configure whether to use framed container layout or not framed boolean If true, it will display the default shadow-box frame. Defaults to true.
Configure whether to use built-in fixed-width container layout or not fixed boolean If true, it will set the container width to the default width of 600px. Defaults to true.
Configure whether to center the container or not centered boolean If true, it will attempt to center the container. Defaults to true.
Set additional container css class name className string Defaults to null.
Set additional container inline css style properties style object Key-value plain javascript object. Defaults to {}.
Make component readonly readOnly boolean Cascades to all fields. Defaults to false.
Display fields in underlined style. underlined boolean Defaults to false.
Allow user to reveal password canReveal boolean Defaults to true
Whether or not to require existing password requireExistingPassword boolean Defaults to true
Component title titleProps Title Customization Object See below.
Message messageProps Message Object See below. By default no message is shown.
Customize the existing password field existingPasswordProps Existing Password Customization Object Only used when requireExistingPassword={true}. See below.
Customize the new password field newPasswordProps New Password Customization Object See below.
Customize the password confirmation field confirmNewPasswordProps Confirm New Password Customization Object See below.
Customize change password button passwordChangeButtonProps Change Password Button Customization Object See below.
Customize the back button backActionButtonProps Back Button Customization Object See below.

Title Customization Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
show boolean Defaults to true if not specified.
text string Defaults to Change password if not specified or empty.


		show: true,
		text: "Time to change your password. Make it count!"

Message Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
message string The actual message to be displayed. Defaults to null if not specified.
type PasswordChangeBoxMessageType Type of message - used for formatting (error, warning etc.). Defaults to null if not specified. See here for all supported values.


		message: "The existing password you entered was invalid",
		type: PasswordChangeBoxMessageType.error

Existing Password Customization Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
label string Field label. Defaults to Current password:.
placeholder string Field placeholder. Defaults to Please enter your current password.
description string Field descriptive text, displayed below the field. Defaults to empty string.
emptyErrorMessage string Error message displayed when the field is left empty. Defaults to You must fill in your current password.


		label: 'Existing password:',
		placeholder: 'Please enter your existing password',
		emptyErrorMessage: 'You must fill in your existing password'

New Password Customization Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
label string Field label. Defaults to New password:.
placeholder string Field placeholder. Defaults to Please enter your new password.
description string Field descriptive text, displayed below the field. Defaults to empty string.
emptyErrorMessage string Error message displayed when the field is left empty. Defaults to You must fill in your new password.
passwordStrengthProps Password Strength Object See here.
passwordRulesProps Password Rules Information Object See here.


		label: 'Brand new password:',
		placeholder: 'Please enter your brand new password',
		emptyErrorMessage: 'You must fill in your brand new password',
		passwordStrengthProps: {
			/* password strength configuration */
		passwordRulesProps: {
			rules: [/* some password rules */]

Confirm New Password Customization Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
label string Field label. Defaults to Password confirmation:.
placeholder string Field placeholder. Defaults to Please confirm new password.
description string Field descriptive text, displayed below the field. Defaults to empty string.
emptyErrorMessage string Error message displayed when the field is left empty. Defaults to You must confirm your new password.
mismatchErrorMessage string Error message displayed when the value of this field does not match the value of the new password field. That is, when the new password and its confirmation are not the same. Defaults to The new password confirmation does not match the new password.


		description: 'Becasue, let us face it, we have all been there: all new password, but immediately forgotten!'

Change Password Button Customization Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
label string Defaults to Change password.


		label: 'Submit new password'

Back Button Customization Object

A plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
label string Defaults to Change password.
show boolean Whether to show the button or not. Defaults to true.
position BackButtonPositions Defaults to BackButtonPositions.left.


		label: 'Back to log-in',
		show: true,
		//align back button to the far-right of the container
		position: BackButtonPositions.right 

Password Change Values Object

The password change values are exported as a plain javascript object with the following properties:

Name Type Notes
existingPassword string Set to null if the existing password is not, by configuration, required
newPassword string -
confirmNewPassword string -


Event Prop Name Arguments Notes
Password change requested onPasswordChangedRequested (Password Change Values Object) Triggered when the Change password button is clicked.
Values changed onPasswordChangeValuesChanged (oldValues:Password Change Values Object, newValues:Password Change Values Object) Triggered whenever any field changes.
Navigate back onBackRequested (Password Change Values Object) Triggered when the Back button is clicked.
Component initialized onPasswordChangeBoxInitialized (none) Triggered when the component is mounted by React.
Component disposed onPasswordChangeBoxDisposed (Password Change Values Object) Triggered when the component is un-mounted by React.


Version 0.0.6

  • Fixed typings declaration.

Version 0.0.5

  • Added type definitions.

Version 0.0.4

  • Added the underlying password box CSS stylesheet to the exported stylesheet.

Version 0.0.3

  • Forwarded underlying password box public APIs, without the password box component itself.

Version 0.0.2

  • Minor styling update.

Version 0.0.1

  • First tracked version.


I put some of my free time into developing and maintaining this plugin. If helped you in your projects and you are happy with it, you can...
