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🏑 My Home Assistant Configs. Be sure to 🌟 my repo to follow the updates!


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Home Assistant configuration for a smart-looking place!
by Albin MΓ©doc πŸ˜ƒ

Be sure to ⭐️ my repo if you find it useful! πŸ˜ƒ

Note: This README is highly inspired by renemarc's.

Table of contents πŸ“‘

  1. TL;DR
  2. Overview
    Goals | Agile development
  3. Home Assistant add-ons
  4. Community Integrations
  5. License
  6. Thanks

TL;DR πŸƒ

This is a fully documented working configuration for Home Assistant, with screenshots, hints and comments. Browse the code to have a look! πŸ‘€

Overview πŸŒ…

Goals ⚽

  • Inconspicuous: I love tech alright, but like any good butlers it should stay out of sight yet stay summonable. Think Fiji villa, not server room.
  • Modular: Both code and devices should be easily replaceable.
  • Internet independent: As much local processing as possible for the essential features.
  • Accessible through multiple ways: Computers, tablet (kiosk), voice, smart phones, wireless buttons, remotes.
  • Intuitive user interfaces: One look at a group of sensors/switches should be sufficient for anyone to understand the current states and how to operate an interface. πŸ’‘
  • Redundant controls: Multiple interfaces should be able to control devices without interference. State changes from manual interventions or dedicated manufacturer apps should be tracked whenever possible.
  • No information overload: Provide just enough insights to get an idea of what's going on. And no need for data that's best consumed on more interactive devices (like stock prices, Steam community status…)

Agile development πŸ––

This configuration is built with an Agile-like methodology, lead by following main user stories:

  • As a resident I want a reliable home automation platform to handle lights and climate that can easily be controlled and overridden in many intuitive ways.
  • As a developer I want to use an open-source platform that is feature-rich, accessible, flexible and actively maintained.
  • As a consumer I want to pick and choose which devices I wish to acquire without necessarily being locked into a closed ecosystem.
  • As a couple we want to be able to operate lights and climate-control appliances as well as get quick overview of weather forecasts and public transit schedules through simple to use interfaces.

Tasks are hopefully defined in the issue queue and their development progress is managed using a lightweight Kanban board.

Agile. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Well, without the sprints. And a team. And the retrospectives. And the…

Home Assistant add-ons βž•

Add-on Usage
AdGuard Home to remove ads from my whole network.
Cloudflared to use my own domain name and access HA outside my network.
ESPHome to create diy devices.
Frigate to identify motion and objects in camera feeds, used as DVR.
Maria DB databse used to store history and logbook.
Mosquitto broker to be able to add MQTT devices to HA.
Node-RED to create advanced and visual pleasing automations.
Samba share to access my HA config through SMBD.
SSH & Web Terminal to be able to SSH into my HA server, useful if something goes realy bad.
Studio Code Server to easily edit my HA files.

Community integrations 🏘️

Integration Usage
SamsungTV Tizen to controll my samsung tv through HA.
Tapo: Cameras Control to add all my Tapo cameras into HA, supports ONVIF.
browser_mod to add pop-up support in dashboard.
Google WiFi to track devices at home, and number of devices connected to guest network.
Alarmo to easily create an alarm system.
Remote Home Assistant to expose entities to my parents Home Assistant.
Frigate to integrate Frigate into HA.
Office 365 Integration to integrate my work calendar.
UI Lovelace Minimalist used to create my dashboard.
Swedish Mail Delivery adds sensors to indicate when the mail is delivered.
Home Connect Alt to integrate my dishwasher, I like this better than the official integration.
ICS Calendar to integrate my partners work calendar.
Cleanmate my own integration to be able to controll my vacuum cleaner.

Actual secrets and auto-generated sensitive files are obviously kept off this repo! πŸ˜‰

License πŸ“ƒ

Thanks πŸ’•

Kudos to:

  • The dedicated core team that builds and manages Home Assistant. They work fast and humbly.
  • The horde of volunteer developers of all components and add-ons.
  • The vibrant community, always willing to help and share code samples.

Thank you for all your dedication, helpfulness and valuable insights. Cheers! πŸ»πŸ˜ƒ

Don't forget to ⭐️ this repo! πŸ˜ƒ