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What is DSpace?

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Debian GNU/Linux 9.4 image. (Linux 4.9.87-linuxkit-aufs #1 SMP Wed Mar 14 15:12:16 UTC 2018)
- with OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-8u162-b12-1~deb9u1-b12)
- with DSpace 5.8 on Tomcat 7.0.85

DSpace is an open-source software package typically used for creating open-access repositories for scholarly/published digital content. While DSpace shares some feature overlap with content management systems and document management systems, the DSpace repository software serves a specific need as a digital archives system, focused on the long-term storage, access, and preservation of digital content.

This image was originally based on the 1science/docker-dspace image, but has diverged significantly to update for current Docker best practices, use the official Tomcat Docker image with a modern Debian 9 base, and bump some dependency versions.


This image is not currently published on the public Docker hub—you will need to build it locally:

$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t dspace .

Note: this can take anywhere from thirty minutes to several hours (depending on your Internet connection) due to the amount of packages DSpace's maven build step pulls in.

By default this container is set up to run on localhost in a development environment. If you need to run this in production you can override the hostname and proxy port—for example, if you're reverse proxying to Tomcat via nginx on port 80—at build time:

$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t dspace --build-arg --build-arg DSPACE_PROXY_PORT=80 .

Running With Docker Compose

Docker Compose simplifies the running of software stacks where you have several components in different containers that interact with eachother by allowing you to specify dependencies, environment variables, network settings, etc. Assuming you have built the dspace image above you should be able to bring up a working DSpace installation simply by typing:

$ docker-compose up -d

By default this will create a PostgreSQL database schema called dspace, with user dspace and password dspace. If you're running this in production you should obviously change these (see PostgreSQL Connection Parameters).

After few seconds, the various DSpace web applications should be accessible from:

Note: the security constraint to tunnel request with SSL on the /rest endpoint has been removed, but it's very important to securize this endpoint in production through Nginx for example.

Runing Manually

First, we have to create a Docker network for the application container and PostgreSQL container to communicate over (this uses Docker networks instead of the legacy link behavior):

$ docker network create dspace

Second, we have to create a PostgreSQL container (specifying the network to use):

$ docker run -itd --name dspace_db --network=dspace -p 5432:5432 postgres:9.5-alpine

And finally, create a DSpace container (specifying the network to use and the name of the PostgreSQL container):

$ docker run -itd --name dspace --network=dspace -p 8080:8080 -e POSTGRES_DB_HOST=dspace_db dspace

Environment Variables

This image provides sane defaults for most settings but you can override many of those via environment variables, either with -e on the Docker command line or in your docker-compose.yml.

For example, by providing -e on the command line with docker run:

$ docker run -itd --name dspace --network=dspace \
        -e POSTGRES_DB_HOST=my_host \
        -e POSTGRES_SCHEMA=my_dspace \
        -e POSTGRES_USER=my_user \
        -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my_password \
        -e CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" \
        -p 8080:8080 dspace

Or inside your docker-compose.yml file:

  - POSTGRES_DB_HOST=my_host
  - POSTGRES_SCHEMA=my_dspace
  - POSTGRES_USER=my_user
  - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my_password
  - CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

PostgreSQL Connection Parameters

To use an external PostgreSQL database or override any of the other default settings you have to set some environment variables:

  • POSTGRES_DB_HOST (required): The server host name or IP
  • POSTGRES_DB_PORT (optional): The server port (5432 by default)
  • POSTGRES_SCHEMA (optional): The database schema (dspace by default)
  • POSTGRES_USER (optional): The user used by DSpace (dspace by default)
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD (optional): The password of the user used by DSpace (dspace by default)
  • POSTGRES_ADMIN_USER (optional): The admin user creating the Database and the user (postgres by default)
  • POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD (optional): The password of the admin user

DSpace Administrator User

Control the parameters used to create the default DSpace administrator's login account:

  • ADMIN_EMAIL (optional): The DSpace administrator's email address ( by default)
  • ADMIN_FIRSTNAME (optional): The DSpace administrator's first name (DSpace by default)
  • ADMIN_LASTNAME (optional): The DSpace administrator's last name (Admin by default)
  • ADMIN_PASSWD (optional): The DSpace administrator's password (admin123 by default)
  • ADMIN_LANGUAGE (optional): The DSpace administrator's language (en by default)

Configure Installed Webapps

Sometimes we don't really need all the DSpace webapps. You can specify which ones to enable using an environment variable:

$ docker run -itd --name dspace --network=dspace \
        -e DSPACE_WEBAPPS="jspui xmlui rest" \
        -p 8080:8080 dspace

The command above only installs the jspui, xmlui, and rest web applications.


All the code contained in this repository, unless explicitly stated, is licensed under ISC license.

A copy of the license can be found inside the LICENSE file.


DSpace Docker images








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