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An example repo for combining portfolio and electric.

Run the demo

  • Shell: clj -A:dev -X dev.electric-entry/-main or REPL: (dev.electric-entry/-main)
  • http://localhost:8080


  • Splitting electric scenes into multiple panes eventually fails to mount the components properly (e.g., after 10 splits). #object[DOMException NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.] Hitting this error causes it to be more likely to occur again with fewer splits (e.g., occurs again splitting from 1 pane to 2-4). Refreshing the page resets the issue.
  • The default portfolio viewport automatically determines height/width. For scenes like electric-tutorial '3. System Properties' this can result in a tiny scroll window (presumably due to the delay in populating the table). You can manually fix this with a custom viewport configuration (:viewport/options in or rendering the scene in a container with a set height (see fixed-height-container in electric-portfolio.tests.general-scenes). An automatic solution is left as an exercise to the reader.
  • electric-tutorial '7. Chat Extended' e/http-request is nil so username is never retrieved.

Web component

A custom web component defined in src/util.cljc uses connect/disconnect events to trigger mounting/unmounting of electric components. The component is created using my fork of zero (only difference is commenting out setting of adoptedStytleSheets on the node, which was generating an error for this use case). A custom component can also be created without the extra dependency like so (though it is less friendly to hot reloads):

(ns electric-portfolio.util
  #?(:cljs (:require [shadow.cljs.modern :refer (defclass)]))

;; ...

   (defn add-node! [node]
     (let [id (.-id node)
           win ^js (.-defaultView (.getRootNode node))]
       (swap! !nodes assoc id node)
       (set! (.-onpagehide win) #(.remove node)))))

   (defclass ElectricNode
     (extends js/HTMLElement)
     (constructor [this] (super))
     (connectedCallback [this] (add-node! this))
     (disconnectedCallback [this] (swap! !nodes dissoc

#?(:cljs (js/customElements.define "electric-node" ElectricNode))

In both versions, setting the onpagehide event ensures proper unmounting of electric-node's when working with split views of scenes.


Example for combining portfolio and electric






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