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Django Rest Framework First Project

This app is realized GET, POST and DELETE methods of API using Django-Rest-Framework

Link to deployed project

Getting Started

Create Virtual Environments

Go to the directory where the requirements.txt and in the terminal enter this:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Lets run our localhost server:

python runserver

So, you are ready to start work with my app!


Use postman to work with API's, if you will use postman first time, read postman docs


create new post

For create new course use post, paste this link

On body select json and write this (you can change data if you want :) )

        "id": 1,
        "name": "CodeMind",
        "description": "be powerfull coder",
        "category": {
            "name": "Programming",
            "imgpath": "/media/"
        "logo": "logo.png",
        "contact": [
                "suit": 3,
                "value": ""
        "branch": [
                "latitude": "1",
                "longitude": "3",
                "address": "code street 101"

and click send After this this data will be saved on database

create 2-3 courses, we will work with them

Get Courses List

For get list of courses use get method on postman, paste this link and click send

You will see all datas


get course by id

For get specific course use get method on postman, paste this link{your_id}/ and click send

you will see couse with ID that you paste on /{your_id}/ previos link


delete specific course

For delete specific course use delete method on postman, paste this link{your_id}/ and click send You will see

"object with id: 2 has been deleted"

be mega sure that after id you put / in the end

Built With

Django - web framework

Django rest framework - toolkit for building Web APIs