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Update package.json for zod to 3.22.3 or greater #424

Update package.json for zod to 3.22.3 or greater

Update package.json for zod to 3.22.3 or greater #424

Triggered via pull request October 3, 2023 20:31
synchronize #330
Status Failure
Total duration 2m 5s


on: pull_request
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3 errors and 9 warnings
Argument of type 'ZodObject<{ name: ZodString; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { name: string; }, { name: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ZodType<unknown, ZodTypeDef, unknown>'.
Type 'Validator<unknown>' is not assignable to type 'Validator<{ [fieldName: string]: any; }>'.
Process completed with exit code 2.
build: apps/test-app/app/routes/field-array.state.tsx#L2
'nanoid' is defined but never used
build: apps/test-app/app/routes/field-array.state.tsx#L6
'InputWithTouched' is defined but never used
build: apps/test-app/app/routes/index.tsx#L1
'MetaFunction' is defined but never used
build: apps/test-app/app/routes/rerenders.tsx#L28
Assignments to the 'renderUpdated' variable from inside React Hook useEffect will be lost after each render. To preserve the value over time, store it in a useRef Hook and keep the mutable value in the '.current' property. Otherwise, you can move this variable directly inside useEffect
build: apps/test-app/app/routes/validation-textarea.tsx#L3
'z' is defined but never used
build: packages/remix-validated-form/src/internal/state/fieldArray.tsx#L2
'useState' is defined but never used
build: packages/set-get/src/stringToPathArray.ts#L7
Unnecessary escape character: \.
build: packages/set-get/src/stringToPathArray.ts#L7
Unnecessary escape character: \[
build: packages/set-get/src/stringToPathArray.ts#L9
'_' is assigned a value but never used