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Documentation Guidelines

Nathanael Silverman edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 1 revision

These are guidelines for how to write/edit this documentation wiki.

Don't use h1's

Level 1 titles are the same size as the page titles which creates a confusing visual hierarchy.

Introduce code samples with a sentence ending with : (colon)

For example:

// A code sample

Keep it short and to the point


Refer to the user as "you"

As if they were sitting next to you and you were teaching them.

For example:

  • ... declare custom attributes for the substyles you'd like to support...
  • You can now use these attributes in XML...
  • ... make sure to import the Paris class...

Prefix custom class/element names with My...

An arbitrary custom view could be MyView for example. An arbitrary style resource could be or to indicate that the text color is set to green by that style without needing to show the style declaration.