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Flutter HTTP Request and Testable ListView Example

This Flutter project demonstrates the basic concepts of making HTTP requests, implementing an endless scroll ListView, navigating between screens with parameter passing, implementing dark and light themes with system-aware theme changes, and writing unit tests including mocking Image.Network requests. Additionally, it showcases native integration using the home_widget library, establishing communication between Flutter and native platforms with a third-party library on the native side.


1. HTTP Requests

The project showcases how to make HTTP requests using Flutter's built-in libraries.

2. Endless Scroll ListView

Demonstrates the implementation of an endless scroll ListView, allowing seamless scrolling through a large dataset without loading all items at once.

3. Android Integration with home_widget Library and Glide

This project demonstrates how to integrate native Android functionality into a Flutter app. It includes an example of using the home_widget library in Android projects and demonstrates how to display an image URL in a widget using the Glide library in Android Kotlin.

4. Navigation with Parameter Passing

Illustrates how to navigate between different screens in Flutter and pass parameters between them. This is useful for passing data from one screen to another.

5. Dark and Light Theme Implementation

Shows how to implement both dark and light themes in a Flutter app. Additionally, it demonstrates how the app can automatically switch between light and dark themes based on the system settings.

6. Unit Testing and Image.Network Mocking

Includes unit tests covering various aspects of the application's functionality. Specifically, it demonstrates how to mock Image.Network requests in unit tests to ensure reliable testing even with network-dependent widgets.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get started with the project:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
    cd Flutter-HTTP-Request-and-Testable-ListView-Example
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
    flutter pub get
  4. Run the app.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements.


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