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Python Programmer | Web Developer | Data Science Enthusist | Blogger | Freelancer | Math Lover | Author

Hey there, fellow <𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜/> . It is nice to meet you. I am currently studying at Rajuk Uttara Model College. I started my programming journey when I was 12 years old.

From the moment I printed the “Hello World” in the console of my first application, I knew I was hooked into the world of programming, But programming was never been “just a side hustle” for me, it’s offered me an engaging challenge to continually learn and improve my skills in creating high-quality applications. What started with a simple “Hello World” has become a full-fledged passion that only gets more exciting as the years go by.

Since then, I have worked on tons of personal and organizational programming projects. Most of them are based on Python and it is my favorite language.

I have experience with Data Structures and Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, C/C++, JavaScript, NodeJS, React, MongoDB, Bootstrap, PowerShell, PostgreSQL, Git & GitHub, Django, and multiple Python libraries/frameworks including NumPy, SciPy, Pandas (Data Analysis), Matplotlib (Data Visualization), Kivy (Graphical User Interface), PyGame (GameDev), SpeechRecognition, Pyttsx3 (Text to Speech), Psycopg2 (Database), etc.

Professionally, I am very passionate about Competitive Problem Solving, Web Application Development, and Artificial Intelligence applications. Currently, I am building the first open developer community (The AS8 Organization) of Bangladesh where everyone can join, learn from each other, share opinions and ideas, work on projects, participate in events and thus grow together. I am also developing the first environmental Bengali blogging platform named "SobuzKothon".

I’m interested in remote opportunities in Software Engineering, Fullstack Web Development, Data Analysis and Visualization. Please visit my website to know better about me. Send me an email if you think I am a good match for your company.

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Languages & Tools

Python C C++ HTML CSS SASS Bootstrap JavaScript PostgreSQL Powershell  Markdown Git sublimevscode Figma jupyter

GitHub Overview

Ahammad Shawki's github activity graph

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