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How to build AR experiences

Diego Marcos edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 5 revisions

There are several options to build AR experiences with A-Frame today. This guide is a living community effort. If you find inaccurate or out-of-date information you're more than welcome to suggest changes.


Browsers are shipping experimental AR extensions of the WebXR specification. You can start using them today keeping in mind that these features are still under discussion and evolving rapidly. You will be using cutting-edge technology and your feedback will help shape the API that will eventually become part of the standard.

  • List of APIs with capabilities and limitations
  • Browser, device compatibility and necessary flags.
  • Link to quick start examples


AR.js is based on a JavaScript implementation of ARToolKit, and renders content with A-Frame and three.js. It features Image Tracking, Location Based AR and Marker based AR, using the smartphone's built-in camera. It runs on every mobile device supporting WebRTC and WebGL (iOS with iOS 11 or newer and Android devices from last ~6 years). ​

The new official documentation contains code samples to get you started. Code is available on the AR.js code repository and contributing bug reports and fixes is super appreciated.

8th Wall

8th Wall uses a home-grown JavaScript SLAM solution compatible with any smartphone camera. It provides 6DoF positional tracking, surface and light estimation, world points, hit tests and image based tracking.

  • Link to quick start example.
  • Known limitations, caveats
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