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related to ags3 (version with full backward compatibility)
ags 4
ags 4
related to the ags4 development
backend: allegro
backend: allegro
related to allegro 4 library
backend: sdl2
backend: sdl2
related to sdl2 library
compiler: gcc
compiler: gcc
context: audio
context: audio
context: bw-compat
context: bw-compat
supporting deprecated runtime functionality, importing and converting game data
context: code
context: code
fixing/improving existing code: refactor, optimise, tidy...
context: debug
context: debug
related to logging, debugging, game diagnostics
context: deployment
context: deployment
related to deploying AGS releases and related materials
context: dialogs
context: dialogs
dialogs and dialog script
context: editor assets
context: editor assets
related to input files for editing the game
context: fonts
context: fonts
context: game building
context: game building
related to compiling the game from input assets
context: game files
context: game files
related to the files that game uses at runtime
context: game logic
context: game logic
context: graphics mode
context: graphics mode
context: graphics
context: graphics
context: input
context: input
context: pathfinding
context: pathfinding
context: performance
context: performance
related to improving program speed or lowering system requirements
context: plugin api
context: plugin api
context: project
context: project
related to the project and its organization
context: script api
context: script api
context: script compiler
context: script compiler
context: script vm
context: script vm
context: speech
context: speech
context: spritecache
context: spritecache
context: translations
context: translations
context: ui/ux
context: ui/ux