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Shouki Tsuda

Email: SNS: @adust09

NOTICE: In most cases, the links in this page may be in Japanese.


2018-2022 : Bachelor, Computer Science; Kyusyu Institute of Technology (Japan)

Whistleblowing Proposals in DAOs:

Besides that, educated at the Ethereum Foundation's Eth summer (2021) and zk University.


🧑‍🎓My student days

I worked for Chaintope, HashHub as an application developer and Auditor.
Around this time, I started a research and development group on blockchain, bitpickers, with a friend.
The following are the results of hackathons won during college

In particular, with regard to UXDEX, it was acquired in the form of incorporation into the UXD protocol.

In addition to these, my idea was nominated for the Innovator Creation Project (異能-vation) sponsored by the Japanese government.

🔰My New grad days

I decided to join Rakuten where I can acquire both engineering and English skills. I was mainly involved in the development and operation of a web application that would serve as a hub for the company's financial services.

In this context, I tried to improve the productivity of the development team using Jenkins, and to introduce React into an environment that had been unified with Java to build richer applications.

🤫Side job

The fever for crypto has not died down. I worked for Ryodan Systems, the developer of Intmax (zk-Rollup), as a developer. My experience here was very meaningful and a job I can take to my heart's content.

😺Current work

I participated in ETH Global Tokyo. Layer Horizon, which we created here, was well received, so we will continue to develop it.

Next job Hana Network 2023/7/1~

Technical Experience

Bitpickers Reseach

My knowledge of Ethereum, crypto theory, and blockchain can be referenced here. I haven't been able to look into it much lately.


  • I have the necessary stack for crypto such as hardhat, ethers, zk, solidity... etc
  • CI/CD and TDD methodologies
  • Team Management
  • Debugging
  • DB design


  • Full stack, for better or worse.
  • Little experience in cloud development.


  • Framework: React, Flutter, Spring boot
  • Cloud: AWS(EC2, S3, CodeBuild...etc)
  • DI/CD: Jenkins, Github Actions
  • DB: PostgresSQL, MySQL, Firebase
  • Git: Github, Bitbucket

Programming Languages

  • Rust: It is my favorite language, and I have experience in developing Vertual Machine, CRUD operations on Data Base using Diesel, and using libraries for cryptographic systems.

  • Java: At Rakuten, I mainly wrote Java. I hate to make the statement too long, but I learned a lot from design patterns. I can do web development mainly using Spring boot and maintain DB, API.

  • Typescript: I often write React in my work and at hackathons, and I learned it in the process of creating them.

  • Dart(Flutter): While at Chaintope, I worked on mobile app development using Flutter for two years. I haven't touched it much recently.

  • Basic knowledge of C, Shell script, Ruby, Python

Recent Interests

  • Interested in Go language and management skills.
  • Want to contribute to humanity through ethereum. In particular, I want to develop zk-Rollup and clients.
  • Ultimately, I am interested in the monetary system when mankind goes to space.

Extra Section

  • Human Languages

    • Japanese (native speaker)
    • English (non native speaker)
  • Hobby

    • 🎣⛰️🎸🎮🚵‍♀️


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