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A Pytorch Implementation of Multi Agent Soft Actor Critic

Project Details

  • The environment consists of multiple agents where the task of the agent hit the ball and keep it in the air without allowing it to fall on the ground.
  • The current state of the environment is represented by 24 dimensional feature vector which conist the position of the ball and speed of the ball
  • Action space is continous and thus it represent by a vector with 2 numbers, corresponding to position of the bat ranging between -1 and 1 in each dimension.
  • A reward of +0.1 is provided for time the agent's hits the ball and -0.1 if the agent miss it or shoots the ball away from the court.
  • The task is episoidic, and in order to solve the environment, the agent must get an average score of +0.5 over 100 consecutive episodes

Technical Dependencies

  1. Python 3.6 :
  2. PyTorch (0.4,CUDA 9.0) : pip3 install torch torchvision
  3. ML-agents (0.4) : Refer to ml-agents for installation
  4. Numpy (1.14.5) : pip3 install numpy
  5. Matplotlib (3.0.2) : pip3 install matplotlib
  6. Jupyter notebook : pip3 install jupyter
  7. Download the environment from here and place it in the same folder as that of Tennis.ipynb file

Network details

  • Value - function Network
  • Entropy Regularization
  • Two Action - Value Networks
  • Centralized Training
  • Decentralized Execution

Installation Instructions :

step 1 : Install all the dependencies
step 2 : git clone
step 3 : jupyter notebook
step 4 : Run all cells in the Tennis.ipynb file


Certain parts of, and Tennis.ipynb has been partially taken from the Udacity's deep reinforcement learning Nanodegree.


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