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adidas GitHub Portal

Website to display adidas Open Source projects.

How To

Show a REPOSITORY in adidas GitHub Portal

A repository must comply with the following:

  1. Belongs to
  2. .meta.yml file exists

.meta.yml definition

Key Defaults Description
imageUrl '/img/source.jpg' A representative image of the project
backgroundColor N/A Background color for the card "" Overrides the repository name from GitHub
display.description "" Overrides the repository description from GitHub
keywords [] A list of keywords to search for this repo

Show a PROJECT in adidas GitHub Portal

To show a project in the GitHub portal, go to adidas GitHub portal CMS.

Project configuration

Key Required Defaults Description
id Yes N/A A unique identifier for the project
name Yes N/A The name of the project
description Yes N/A A brief description of the project
url Yes N/A The link to the public website of the project
config.imageUrl Yes N/A A representative image of the project
config.backgroundColor No N/A Background color for the card
config.keywords No [] A list of keywords to search for this project



  • node >= 8
  • npm >= 5

npm scripts

npm start

Runs a development server on localhost:3000. Runs nuxt under the hood.

npm run build

Builds the project distributables. Runs nuxt generate --spa under the hood so the website is ready to be deployed as a Single Page Application.

npm run serve

Runs the site on a server with SSR capabilities. Runs nuxt build && nuxt start under the hood.

npm run lint

Runs eslint to check that all the source JS and Vue files are compliant.

Style and font definitions

This project style is based on adidas YARN Design System with some customizations.

adidas is using this project as GitHub page, and the fonts used to deploy it on GitHub do not have public rights. For that reason, this project has been configured to use Poppins and Roboto as default fonts, however, they can be changed (see YARN documentation).


GitHub Pages

git checkout develop
npm install
npm run build
git add -f ./dist
git commit -m "Update gh-pages"
git subtree split --prefix dist -b gh-pages
git push -f origin gh-pages:master


npm install
npm run build
npm prune --production
docker build -t adidas-github-io .

docker run -dit \
           --name adidas-github-io \
           -p 1337:80 \

Deploy to k8s

Set up your k8s cluster to deploy the Docker image.

npm install
npm run build
npm prune --production
docker build -t IMAGE .
docker push IMAGE
envsubst < deploy/all.yml > deploy.yml
kubectl apply -f deploy.yml