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Hi 👋, I'm Aditya Agarwal

Coming from all over the place, I'm just a software developer trying to level up ⚛, fueled by some big dreams and a whole lot of caffeine.

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  • 🎓 Grad student @ Stevens Institute of Technology, immersing myself in the world of Machine Learning.

  • 👨‍💻 Interning at, where I'm diving into real-world projects and gaining invaluable experience.

  • 🌱 Always exploring new technologies, currently focusing on Vector Databases & Applied Machine Learning.

  • 💬 Let's chat about Python, Flask, Django, or anything tech-related!

  • 📧 Reach out to me at

  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love to game and embracing my 'quirky' tendencies.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Connect with me:

adityaag1234 adiagarwal1509 11073827 aditya_ag1234

Languages and Tools:

python django flask mongodb mysql aws bash bootstrap cplusplus css3 docker git html5 java linux nginx opencv postman scikit_learn sqlite tensorflow

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