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(C) Adam T. Clark, 2016
All included code is covered under the GPL, version 3, available here: (
All included data are subject to data use policies for the Cedar Creek LTER, available here: (

This file includes all source code and data needed to replicate all analyses, and recreate all figures and tables, in the manuscript "Ecological Tradeoffs Predict Grassland Productivity and Species Abundance" by Clark, Lehman, and Tilman.

To run these analyses and generate all figures and tables, run the "main.R" file. This will create all necessary data tables and run all additional code automatically. Successfully running this file requires:
(1) An installation of the R programming language (version 3.0 or higher should work)
(2) Six additional R packages (parallel; lmodel2; mvtnorm; plot3D; lme4; data.table)
(3) A C compiler compatible with the R programming language

All code and data in this archive are also available through the GitHub account of A. Clark, available at: (


Model of grassland community assembly in E120






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