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Super easy, super flexible client-side Javascript form validation component


  1. Type npm install into console
  2. Type bower install into console

Run tests

  1. Type grunt into console


Open demo/index.html

API (Basics)

Create a form validator

var loginValidator = new FormValidator(formElement);

Adding validators

Add a validator with only one simple rule for the username control.

loginValidator.addValidator('username', [
		method: function(control) {
			var valid = true;
			if(control.value == "") {
				valid = false;
			return valid;
		message: "Please enter your username"

Add a validator with two rules for the password control.

loginValidator.addValidator('password', [
		// would encourage abstraction of
		// this method in a 'notEmpty' as
		// is obviously a candidate for
		// reuse
		method: function(control) {
			var valid = true;
			if(control.value == "") {
				valid = false;
			return valid;
		message: "Please enter a password"
		method: function(control) {
			var valid = true;
			if(control.value.length < 8) {
				return false;
			return valid;
		message: "Your password must be at least 8 characters"


Validate the form

Returns true when valid, false when invalid.


Get form errors

Get form errors in the format of { controlName: 'username', message: 'Please enter a username.' }.


There won't be any errors before validating the form.

API (more)


If you wanted to reuse a function e.g. to ensure control never have a value greater then X. Then params are for you...

function maxLengthRule(control, params) {
	var valid = true;
	if(control.value.length > params.length) {
		valid = false;
	return valid;

loginValidator.addValidator('password', [{
	method: maxLengthRule,
	message: "Password can't be longer than 8 chars",
	params: {
		length: 8

Cross-field validation

Yes, obviously. e.g a form that has two controls in it: password and confirmPassword. They must match.

loginValidator.addValidator('password', [{
	method: function(control) {
		// check it matches another field
		var valid = false;
		var someOtherControl = document.getElementById('confirmPassword');
		if(control.value === someOtherControl.value) {
			valid = true;
		return valid;
	message: "Passwords need to match"

What about reacting to submit, blur, change events?

This is project-specific so this component leaves this functionality at your discretion. I may well be releasing an additional (bower) component that does this for you. But for now, you will definitely need some code that looks roughly like:

var formElement = ...;
var loginValidator = new kitty.FormValidator(formElement);
lib.addEventListener(formElement, 'submit', function(e) {
	if(!loginValidator.validate()) {
		var errors = loginValidator.getErrors();

function showErrors(errors) {
	// Display list of errors at the top of the page/form
	// And/or in context of the relevant field etc

Assuming you have more than one form for your project, it would be advisable to use kitty-base components to inherit from this constructor and add all the common bits (like listening for submit events and showing errors) into the inherited constructor.


Super easy, super flexible client-side Javascript form validation component






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