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current version v0.5.0

Virtual Keyboard for Angular 6


npm package


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


  1. Install package npm install ng2-virtual-keyboard
  2. You have to import BrowserAnimationsModule in your root module
  3. Import Ng2VirtualKeyboardModule
  4. To set theme colors inject Ng2VkService to component and set one of colors: 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'black', 'orange', 'custom
    with Ng2VkService.setThemeColor(color) method. With custom you have to provide
    your own styles with .custom class.
  5. Insert <vk-keyboard></vk-keyboard> somewhere in view.
  6. Attach Toggle Directive - vkToggle to any element you want
    ex. <button vkToggle>Toggle Keyboard</button>
  7. Attach Input Directive - vkInput to any input element you want
    ex. <input type="text" vkInput>
    or Textarea Directive - vkTextArea to textares
    ex. <textarea vkTextArea>
  8. Virtual Keyboard is working with many inputs and inserting values only to
    focused one. To switch focused input press Tab
  9. Virtual Keyboard could create selections with shift + arrows
  10. To open / close keyboard without vkToggle use toggleKeyboard, openKeyboard and closeKeyboard methods from Ng2VkService
  11. Set enter action:
  • for all inputs - with setEnterAction(callback) method from Ng2VkService
  • for one input - with (vkEnter) output property of vkInput and vkTextArea directives
  • action for one input has higher priority
  • callback argument and $event object from vkEnter are type of Ng2VkEnterEvent and contain input value and event object with before / after strings and carret position
  • vkTextArea use enter action only with vkEnter, default action is new line