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Archi Test

API demonstration.

Test Data

Place the back_end_test_data.xlsx file in the storage\app\xlsx directory. This will allow the file to be ingested to the database during seeding.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get the API up and running:

  1. Clone this repository and run composer install
  2. Create a database and configure the connection in the project .env file
  3. Run php artisan migrate
  4. Run php artisan db:seed
  5. Run php artisan storage:link
  6. Run php artisan route:cache


Endpoints are as follows:


Endpoint Method Parameters Description
property GET none Get data for all properties
property/{property} GET none Get data for specified property ID
property POST suburb, state, country Create new property
property/{property} PUT suburb, state, country Update existing property
property/{property} DELETE none Delete existing property

Property Analytics

Endpoint Method Parameters Description
property/{property}/analytics GET none Get analytics for property
property/{property}/analytics POST type, value Add new analytic for property
property/{property}/analytics PUT type, value Update analytic for property


Endpoint Method Parameters Description
analytics POST filter, search Get all analytics with optional filter


Run php artisan test to test endpoint HTTP responses.



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