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mesa-frames is an extension of the mesa designed for complex simulations with thousands of agents. By storing agents in a Pandas dataframe, mesa-frames significantly enhances the performance and scalability of mesa, while mantaining a similar syntax. mesa-frames allows for the use of vectorized functions whenever simultaneous activation of agents is possible.

Why Pandas?

Pandas is a popular data-manipulation Python library, developed using C and Cython. Pandas it's known both for its ease of use, allowing for declarative programming and performance. The following is a performance graph showing execution time using mesa and mesa-frames for the Boltzmann Wealth model.

(The script used to generate the graph can be found here)


Cloning the Repository

To get started with mesa-frames, first clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd mesa_frame
  • Installing in a conda environment

If you want to install it into a new environment:

conda create -n myenv -f requirements.txt
pip install -e .

If you want to install it into an existing environment:

conda activate myenv
conda install -f requirements.txt
pip install -e .
  • Installing in a Python virtual environment

If you want to install into a new environment:

python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `myenv\Scripts\activate`
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

If you want to install into an existing environment:

source myenv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `myenv\Scripts\activate`
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


NOTE: mesa-frames is currently in its early stages of development. As such, the usage patterns and API are subject to change. Breaking changes may be introduced. Reports of feedback and issues are encouraged.

You can find the API documentation here

Creation of the model

Creation of the model is fairly similar to the process in mesa. A new method create_agents is introduced which substitutes the addition of agents to the scheduler. The run_model method also accepts the number of steps which the model has run.

from mesa_frames.model import ModelDF
from mesa_frames.agent import AgentDF

class MyModel(ModelDF):
    def __init__(self, N):
        self.num_agents = N
        self.create_agents(N, {MyAgent: 1})

Creation of an agent

The agent implementation differs from base mesa. Agents are only defined at the class level. The dtypes dictionary attribute defines the name and data types of the new columns that will be added to the MyModel.agents dataframe during the execution create_agents. All methods of an AgentDF should be class methods and every operation within class methods should operate on the cls.model.agents DataFrame, filtering by the class's mask initialized during the execution of create_agents. The step method is defined for the entire class.

from mesa_frames.agent import AgentDF

class MyAgent(AgentDF):
    dtypes: dict[str, str] = {"wealth": "int64"}

    def __init__(cls):
        #The next line sets the wealth attribute of all agents that are type MyAgent to 1
        cls.model.agents.loc[cls.mask, "wealth"] = 1

    def step(cls):
        wealthy_agents = cls.model.agents.loc[cls.mask, "wealth"] > 0
        if wealthy_agents.any():
            #The next line finds the mask of a random sample of agents which is of the same length as wealthy agents
            other_agents = cls.model.agents.index.isin(
            cls.model.agents.loc[wealthy_agents, "wealth"] -= 1
            cls.model.agents.loc[other_agents, "wealth"] += 1

What's Next?

  • Refine the API to make it more understandable for someone who is already familiar with the mesa package. The goal is to provide a seamless experience for users transitioning to or incorporating mesa-frames.
  • Adding support for default mesa functions, ensure that the standard mesa functionality is preserved.
  • Adding support for or shifting to polars instead of pandas. This change aims to boost performance and decrease memory consumption, which is crucial for models with milions of agents.
  • Creating a decorator that will automatically vectorize an existing mesa model. This feature will allow users to easily tap into the performance enhancements that mesa-frames offers without significant code alterations.


mesa-frames is made available under the MIT License. This license allows you to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, subject to the following conditions:

  • The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  • The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.

For the full license text, see the LICENSE file in the GitHub repository.