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Merge pull request #914 from activeloopai/feauture/2.0/pytorch
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[2.0] Pytorch Integration
  • Loading branch information
imshashank committed Jun 5, 2021
2 parents 34075ad + 30148b3 commit 232ee21
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Showing 12 changed files with 534 additions and 5 deletions.
24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions hub/api/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import os
import warnings
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from hub.api.tensor import Tensor
Expand All @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
from hub.util.cache_chain import generate_chain
from hub.util.path import storage_provider_from_path
from hub.integrations import dataset_to_pytorch

class Dataset:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,9 +75,10 @@ def __init__(
self.meta = {"tensors": []}

# TODO len should consider slice
def __len__(self):
"""Return the greatest length of tensors"""
return max(map(len, self.tensors.values()), default=0)
"""Return the smallest length of tensors"""
return min(map(len, self.tensors.values()), default=0)

def __getitem__(self, item: Union[str, int, slice, Index]):
if isinstance(item, str):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,6 +147,22 @@ def meta(self):
def meta(self, new_meta: dict):
write_dataset_meta(, new_meta)

def pytorch(self, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, workers: int = 1):
"""Converts the dataset into a pytorch compatible format.
Pytorch does not support uint16, uint32, uint64 dtypes. These are implicitly type casted to int32, int64 and int64 respectively.
This spins up it's own workers to fetch data, when using with, set num_workers = 0 to avoid issues.
transform (Callable, optional) : Transformation function to be applied to each sample
workers (int): The number of workers to use for fetching data in parallel.
A dataset object that can be passed to
return dataset_to_pytorch(self, transform, workers=workers)

def flush(self):
"""Necessary operation after writes if caches are being used.
Writes all the dirty data from the cache layers (if any) to the underlying storage.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hub/core/storage/
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def __init__(
aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None,
endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None,
aws_region: Optional[str] = None,
max_pool_connections: Optional[int] = 10,
max_pool_connections: Optional[int] = 50,
"""Initializes the S3Provider
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions hub/integrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from multiprocessing import shared_memory
from .pytorch import dataset_to_pytorch
except ImportError:
from .pytorch_old import dataset_to_pytorch
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions hub/integrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
from hub.util.remove_cache import remove_memory_cache
from hub.util.join_chunks import join_chunks
from hub.core.meta.tensor_meta import read_tensor_meta
import os
import numpy as np
from itertools import repeat
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Set, Dict
from hub.core.meta.index_map import read_index_map
from hub.util.exceptions import ModuleNotInstalledException
from hub.util.shared_memory import (
from pathos.pools import ProcessPool # type: ignore
from import MemoryProvider

from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
except ModuleNotFoundError:

_hub_storage_provider = MemoryProvider()

# TODO make this use shared memory to make on the fly transforms faster. Currently using transform slows us down by 10x
def _apply_transform(transform: Callable, sample: Dict):
"""Used to apply transforms to a single sample"""
return transform(sample) if transform else sample

def _read_and_store_chunk(chunk_name: str, shared_memory_name: str, key: str):
"""Reads a single chunk from the dataset's storage provider and stores it in the SharedMemory. Returns its size"""
chunk_path = os.path.join(key, "chunks", chunk_name)
chunk_bytes = _hub_storage_provider[chunk_path]
chunk_size = len(chunk_bytes)
shm = SharedMemory(create=True, size=chunk_size, name=shared_memory_name)

# needs to be done as some OS allocate extra space
shm.buf[0:chunk_size] = chunk_bytes
return chunk_size

def dataset_to_pytorch(dataset, transform: Callable = None, workers: int = 1):
return TorchDataset(dataset, transform, workers)

class TorchDataset:
def __init__(self, dataset, transform: Callable = None, workers: int = 1):
self.dataset = dataset
self.transform: Optional[Callable] = transform
self.workers: int = workers = ProcessPool(nodes=workers).map
self.len = len(dataset)
self.keys = list(self.dataset.tensors)

# contains meta for each Tensor
self.all_meta: Dict[str, Dict] = self._load_all_meta()

# contains index_map for each Tensor
self.all_index_maps: Dict[str, List] = self._load_all_index_maps()

# stores index-value map for each Tensor where value is the actual array at the index
# acts as in memory prefetch cache
self.all_index_value_maps: Dict[str, Dict[int, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)

# tracks last index that was prefetched in the prefetch cache for each Tensor
self.last_index_map: Dict[str, int] = {}

# in memory processed cache containing all samples generated after prefetching and transforming
self.processed_samples: List[Dict] = []
self.processed_range = slice(-1, -1) # range of processed_samples

# keeps track of names of all shared_memory that have data in them
self.all_shared_memory_names: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)

# keeps pointers to shared memory across tensors so they don't get closed between calls to getitem
self.all_shared_memory: Dict = defaultdict(list)

self.last_chunk_num_generated = -1

def __len__(self):
return self.len

def __getitem__(self, index: int):
for key in self.keys:
# prefetch cache miss, fetch data
if index not in self.all_index_value_maps[key]:
self._prefetch_data(key, index)

# processed cache miss, process more samples
if index > self.processed_range.stop:
if index == len(self) - 1: # clean up at the end
return self.processed_samples[index - self.processed_range.start]

def __iter__(self):
for index in range(len(self)):
yield self[index]

# helper functions
def _set_globals(self):
"""Sets the global values for storage provider and a few plugins"""
global torch
import torch
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ModuleNotInstalledException(
"'torch' should be installed to convert the Dataset into pytorch format"

# global to pass to processes, not possible to serialize and send
global _hub_storage_provider

# TODO boto3.client isn't safe for multiprocessing
# could it be working here as we're only reading data?
_hub_storage_provider = remove_memory_cache(

def _load_all_index_maps(self):
"""Loads index maps for all Tensors into memory"""
all_index_maps = {
key: read_index_map(key, _hub_storage_provider) for key in self.keys
return all_index_maps

def _load_all_meta(self):
"""Loads meta for all Tensors into memory"""
all_meta = {}
# pytorch doesn't support certain dtypes, which are type casted to another dtype implicitly
for key in self.keys:
meta = read_tensor_meta(key, _hub_storage_provider)
if meta["dtype"] == "uint16":
meta["dtype"] = "int32"
elif meta["dtype"] in ["uint32", "uint64"]:
meta["dtype"] = "int64"
all_meta[key] = meta
return all_meta

def _prefetch_data(self, key: str, index: int):
"""Prefetches data for the given key, starting from the given index"""
# clear data from previous prefetching, before fetching data
del self.all_index_value_maps[key]
old_shared_memory_names = self.all_shared_memory_names[key]
chunk_names = list(self._get_chunk_names(index, key))
shared_memory_names = self._generate_shared_memory_names(chunk_names)
chunk_sizes: List[int] =
_read_and_store_chunk, chunk_names, shared_memory_names, repeat(key)
index, key, chunk_names, shared_memory_names, chunk_sizes
self.all_shared_memory_names[key] = shared_memory_names

def _generate_shared_memory_names(self, chunk_names: List[str]):
"""Generates a name for every chunk_name as chunknames very large and fail on MacOS"""
ls = []
for _ in chunk_names:
self.last_chunk_num_generated += 1
return ls

def _get_chunk_names(self, index: int, key: str):
"""Gets chunk names for elements starting from index to read in parallel"""
chunk_names: Set[str] = set()
index_map = self.all_index_maps[key]
while len(chunk_names) < self.workers and index < len(self):
chunks = index_map[index]["chunk_names"]
index += 1
return chunk_names

def _np_from_chunk_list(self, index: int, key: str, chunks: List[bytes]):
"""Takes a list of chunks and returns a numpy array from it"""
index_entry = self.all_index_maps[key][index]

start_byte = index_entry["start_byte"]
end_byte = index_entry["end_byte"]
dtype = self.all_meta[key]["dtype"]
shape = index_entry["shape"]

combined_bytes = join_chunks(chunks, start_byte, end_byte)
if isinstance(combined_bytes, memoryview):
arr = np.frombuffer(combined_bytes, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
arr = np.frombuffer(combined_bytes, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
return arr

def _get_data_from_chunks(
index: int,
key: str,
chunk_names: List[str],
shared_memory_names: List[str],
chunk_sizes: List[int],
"""Extracts data from all the chunks in chunk_names and stores it index wise in a dictionary"""
self.all_index_value_maps[key] = {}
chunk_map = {}
# loads value of chunks saved in SharedMemory into memory
for chunk_name, shared_memory_name, chunk_size in zip(
chunk_names, shared_memory_names, chunk_sizes
chunk_map[chunk_name] = self.all_shared_memory[key][-1].buf[:chunk_size]

# saves np array for each index in memory
for i in range(index, len(self)):
chunks = []
index_entry = self.all_index_maps[key][i]
for chunk_name in index_entry["chunk_names"]:
if chunk_name not in chunk_map:
self.last_index_map[key] = i - 1
self.all_index_value_maps[key][i] = self._np_from_chunk_list(i, key, chunks)

self.last_index_map[key] = len(self) - 1

def _process_samples(self):
"""Processes the prefetched values from across tensors into dictionaries.
These samples may be further processed if a transform is specified.
first_index = self.processed_range.stop + 1
# different no. of samples are fetched for each tensor, take the min and process
last_index = min(self.last_index_map[key] for key in self.keys)
samples = []
for i in range(first_index, last_index + 1):
sample = {key: self.all_index_value_maps[key][i] for key in self.keys}

if self.transform:
self.processed_samples =
_apply_transform, repeat(self.transform), samples
self.processed_samples = samples
self.processed_range = slice(first_index, last_index)

def _all_shared_memory_clean_up(self):
"""Cleans up possibly leaked memory at the end of iteration across Tensors"""
for key in self.keys:
shared_memory_names = self.all_shared_memory_names[key]
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions hub/integrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
from typing import Callable
import warnings
from hub.core.meta.tensor_meta import read_tensor_meta
from hub.util.exceptions import ModuleNotInstalledException

def dataset_to_pytorch(dataset, transform: Callable = None, workers: int = 1):
return TorchDataset(

class TorchDataset:
def __init__(
transform: Callable = None,
global torch
import torch
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ModuleNotInstalledException(
"'torch' should be installed to convert the Dataset into pytorch format"

"Python version<3.8 detected. The 'workers' argument will be ignored and Pytorch iteration speeds will be slow. Use newer Python versions for faster Data streaming to Pytorch."
self.dataset = dataset
self.transform = transform

def _apply_transform(self, sample: dict):
return self.transform(sample) if self.transform else sample

def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset)

def __getitem__(self, index):
sample = {}
# pytorch doesn't support certain dtypes, which are type casted to another dtype below
for key in self.dataset.tensors:
item = self.dataset[key][index].numpy()
if item.dtype == "uint16":
item = item.astype("int32")
elif item.dtype in ["uint32", "uint64"]:
item = item.astype("int64")
sample[key] = item
sample = self._apply_transform(sample)
return sample

def __iter__(self):
for index in range(len(self)):
yield self[index]

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