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Abhishek J M edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

First of all, if you liked the project, go to the project URL here and please consider giving us a star. It motivates us to do more!

Before we start, there are few necessities to be fulfilled:

  • Any Linux distribution
  • Python 3
  • Git

Once you make sure these are available and working on your Linux box, go to your favorite location on your machine (home, desktop etc) and open a new terminal session.

Cloning The Tool

git clone

Installing Dependencies

Once that completes, you'll have the 'Adhrit-master' folder. Change your working directory to Adhrit-master (or whatever you've renamed it to):

cd Adhrit-master

Adhrit installs all it's dependencies automatically with a script.


Obtaining VirusTotal API key

This is important if you are going to use ADHRIT for malware analysis purpose. VirusTotal is a platform that helps in identifying if a given malicious file or URL is already listed on anti-virus databases curated from various well-known anti-virus engines. Here is a very good tutorial to help you get yourself your VirusTotal API key.


Once you have the API key, get back to the ADHRIT directory. Open the config with your favorite text editor. You will see


vt_api_key =

Input the API key you obtained against the vt_api_key field without any quotes. It should look like this:

[config-data] `` vt_api_key = 0123456789#random#abcdefgh

Save the changes and exit the editor.


Make sure the working directory is the tool directory (i.e, Adhrit-master) and do:

python3 -h

If everything has been set up fine, you'll see something like this

Congratulations! You are all set! Head over to the Features and Usage section to know the different features and uses of the tool.