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Velero CLI Install

Lets download the velero command line tool. We gonna grab v1.9.2 release using curl

curl -L -o /tmp/velero.tar.gz
tar -C /tmp -xvf /tmp/velero.tar.gz
mv /tmp/velero-v1.9.2-linux-amd64/velero /usr/local/bin/velero
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/velero
  • Check velero installation
velero --help

Aws user credential configurations. (User has to S3 and EC2 permissions )

cat > /tmp/credentials-velero <<EOF

Velero-v1.5.0 Install

    velero install \
    --provider aws \
    --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.5.0 \
    --bucket velero-outs \
    --backup-location-config region=eu-west-1 \
    --snapshot-location-config region=eu-west-1 \
    --secret-file /tmp/credentials-velero

  • Check Velero configurations
kubectl -n velero get pods

kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero
  • Check Velero Backup Location
velero backup-location get

Create a Backup (include-exclude namespaces/resources)

velero backup create backup1 --include-namespaces='*'  --exclude-namespaces app-ns1 --exclude-resources secrets

Do a Restore

Before create velero restore, you should delete all resources or you can create new cluster for migration.

  • Create Restore
velero restore create restore1 --from-backup backup1
  • Describe
velero restore describe restore1
  • Logs
velero restore logs default-namespace-backup
  • Check resources restored
kubectl get all
  • Check Velero Backup and Restore
velero backup get

velero restore  get

Create Schedule

Schedule custom backup to run every 15 min

velero schedule create every15min --schedule="*/15 * * * *" --include-namespaces='*'  --exclude-namespaces app-ns2 --exclude-resources secrets --ttl 0h15m0s
  • Backups and Restores

Backups and Restores

* S3 Bucket

S3 Bucket

* Restored Resources

Restored Resources