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Investigate and understand the context of large-scale of tweets by using machine learning to detect group’s (collective) #brexit topics contexts


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Project based on COMP702 MSC PROJECT module at University of Liverpool

The main purpose of this project is to investigate and to understand the context of large-scale of tweets by using machine learning to detect group’s (collective) #brexit topics contexts.

The model can be divided into four stages:

  • Twitter Streaming
  • Tweets Preprocessing
  • Topic Modeling
  • Anomaly Detection

1. Twitter Streaming

Two methods have been implemented to stream tweets. It has been observed Spark + Tweepy method when executed in local mode on one machine is significantly slower than Tweepy method in the same environment.

  • Tweepy - streams tweets using twitter streaming api and tweepy and saves the "text" of the tweets in csv format. Note: The code might return error 420 after running for 1 min, reason being rate limit imposed by twitter. Wait for atleast 10-15 min and then re-run the code to start streaming tweets. The tweets will continue to append to the previously saved tweets in the csv file.

  • Spark + Tweepy - waits on localhost:5555 until the next script runs. The tweets are stored in partition files (JSON format) which can then be merged into one file using merge file commands.

2. Tweets Preprocessing

A series of preprocessing operations such as removing return handles, twitter handles, URLs, special characters, numbers, punctuations and stopwords are performed on the twitter dataset to remove redundant and unimportant data.

3. Topic Modeling

To detect the context (topics) of tweets for #brexit, unsupervised machine learning algorithms, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) are implemented. There are two implementations of LDA: Gensim LDA and Mallet LDA. Mallet LDA gives better quality of topics and high coherence score when evaluating the model. The analysis of the topics extends to finding optimal number of topics for a given dataset, finding dominant topics, finding the most representative tweet for each topic, and topic distribution across the collection of tweets.

4. Anomaly Detection

The results obtained from topic modelling stage are the list of contexts (topics) related to #brexit. To detect anomalies, we find the topics that contain words related to profanity, racism, terrorism, and war. These topics can then be used to identify the corrosponding tweets expressing unusual behavior.

Installing Packages

The project has been carried using Python 3.6.8, Spark-2.4.3-bin-hadoop2.7, Java 12.0.1, Mallet 2.0.8 and the python packages present in requirements.txt that can be installed individually using pip3 install command or by executing the requirements.txt using pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Order of Execution of Codes

1. Twitter Streaming

  • If you want to use only tweepy to stream the tweets, then open a terminal and enter python3

  • If you want to make use of Spark and Tweepy for streaming tweets, then open a terminal and enter python3 and then open another terminal and enter python3

    • When you execute these files, the tweets will start streaming and sub-folders would be created in the tweets folder at the path mentioned. Use find /home/aamir/datasets/tweets -type f -name 'part-00000' -exec cat {} + >mergedTweets.json to merge the partition files into one json file.

    • To convert json file to csv, use JSON_to_CSV.ipynb notebook.

BONUS: To skip the above Twitter Streaming step, extract the dataset from, continue to next step and update the paths where needed.

2. Preprocessing, Topic Modeling, and Anomaly Detection

  • Use Jupyter notebook to execute LDA.ipynb and NMF.ipynb. Both notebooks perform preprocessing and topic modeling, however, LDA.ipynb contains experiments to detect anomalies.


Investigate and understand the context of large-scale of tweets by using machine learning to detect group’s (collective) #brexit topics contexts








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