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Releases: Zyst/

JS reformat

14 Aug 21:37
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This all looks essentially the same, but it's reformatted to use native JS. So the entire thing is way lighter, and it has no external dependencies.

I also added a service worker that caches the html/css/images, so this now works offline. Which for a index holder isn't super relevant, but still.

Small bug fixes

15 May 19:22
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Fixed a small bug that made it so page load got two images instead of one.

Beautify and halved reponse time

15 May 18:34
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I beautified the entire code manually with some eslint to make sure everything was consistent.

The most important change is that I created set functions for both r/a/dio and, which are called in the initial start() function. This means that we bind our view data in the first call, rather than making the first call and then binding during the second call after sorting. This not only makes the code cleaner, but also directly halves the time it takes for the music playing area to appear.

Functions were also changed from the var name = function(input) format to the function name(input) format. And everything was changed to obey the .eslint rules I set. The only exception are some vars that I can't declare at the top of the function, because they depend on an earlier event, and a function being called before it was defined, which can't be called because it's a circular function.

Angular complete release

09 Feb 02:42
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This is a fully responsive (Works on mobile) release. And the second major version release since the PHP version.

It uses Angular, it also checks your and displays it bottom left if you are not playing the current r/a/dio stream.

Priority is:

  • r/a/dio if you are listening to nothing
  • if what you are scrobbling is different from R/a/dio
  • r/a/dio view if what you are scrobbling is the same as what is playing on r/a/dio

Images and everything else works as it would be expected. No current bugs known.

PHP Release Complete

18 Jan 17:26
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This is the 1.0 version release, from now on I'll focus on switching the page to AngularJS instead of it using PHP for the api calls.

I'll focus on making the site reactive so it works on mobile, maybe using Bootstrap columns, not 100% sure yet.

As we'll be using Angular auto updates will also be possible for the song section.

All in all I think this is probably the right move, probably. Most likely. It should be fun either way.