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This JavaScript project is a POC (Proof Of Concept) showing the use of the following technologies:

  • promises,
  • canvas,
  • HTML import,
  • HTML template,
  • custom elements

It requires a browser supporting these technologies in order to run.

The main program is maze-app.html. The web component is contained in a-maze.html and defines the a-maze custom tag.

The project uses a tile sheet from the "Simplified Platformer Pack" from Kenney Vleugels (


Go to index.html

Creating your own maze

Mazes are created using Tiled, a level editor.

The map

The map must use the JSON format produced by Tiled.

The map must have thses custom properties:

  • darkness: bool, true if the map starts in the dark, false otherwise.
  • startx, starty: int, coordinates at which the player starts the adventure.
  • herosprite: int, the id of the sprite representing the player.


There must be 3 layers, from top to bottom, named exactly:

  • objects: an object layer, the complete list of interactive objects in the game, see the next section for more information.
  • walls: a tile layer, the walls cannot be crossed, any other cell must be left empty (transparent) to allow the player to move.
  • decor: a tile layer, completely decorative, it allows to draw more elaborate level design.
  • background: a tile layer, the background is only decorative, it plays absolutely no role in the game.


Objects are contained in an object layer.

They must use tile objects.

They must be placed at tile boundaries. In the Tiled editor, this is done by using the ctrl key while placing the object.

They must have a name. This name may use spaces and may be displayed when messages pop up.

Each object may have an actions custom property.

The actions custom property is a list of actions to execute when the object is hit by the hero.

The actions custom property looks like this:

win("Congratulations", "You win!", "Go to the next level!");

Here are the actions understood by the game engine:

  • question: generally represented by a guardian. If the player gives the right answer, the guardian disappears.
  • secret: generally represented by a book. It gives some useful information to the player.
  • teleport: it literally teleports the player to another position in the map.
  • edible: food that increases player health.
  • inedible: food that decreases player health.
  • weapon: increases the player strength.
  • protection: increases the player resistance.
  • show: make another object visible.
  • hide: make another object invisible.
  • showmap: reveal the entire map.
  • hidemap: hide the entire map except around the hero.
  • sound: plays a sound.
  • treasure: a treasure.
  • win: the item the player has to find to end the level.


A question takes 6 parameters.

  • question (string), the litteral question presented to the player.
  • choices (string) the 4 choices.
  • answer (string), the position of the right answer ("0", "1", "2" or "3").


A secret takes 3 parameters.

  • title (string): a title or an introduction text (ie: "Did you know?")
  • subject (string): string, the secret (ie: "The ring is blue")
  • description (string): a description (ie: "A guardian may like this")


A teleport takes 1 parameter:

  • destination (int): the id of the object which will receive the player after teleportation.


An edible takes 1 parameter:

  • health (int): health increase (ie: 10)


An inedible takes 1 parameter:

  • health (int): health decrease (ie: 10)


A weapon takes 1 parameter:

  • attack (int): attack increase (ie: 10)


A protection takes 1 parameter:

  • defense (int): defense increase (ie: 10)


A show takes 1 or more parameters:

  • object (int): the id of the object to show (ie: 10)


A hide takes 1 or more parameters:

  • object (int): the id of the object to hide (ie: 10)


A treasure takes 1 parameter:

  • treasure (int): increase the wealthness (ie: 10)


A win takes 3 parameters:

  • title (string): a title or an introduction text (ie: "Did you know?")
  • subject (string): string, the secret (ie: "The ring is blue")
  • description (string): a description (ie: "A guardian may like this")


A POC showing use of web components







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