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PyCloud v1.0.4

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@ewized ewized released this 24 Feb 03:17

With this release we now support Docker.


We support Docker and when you run this in a Docker container the script string bellow will let you select other Docker images to run.
The first line is the image you want to run and the rest of the file is a json config object for docker-py.
The limitation is that you must give the PyCloud container access to the docker socket /var/run/docker.sock.
Also note that the arg port in the json part is the port of your application.
PyCloud will create an ephemeral port and assign it with the port on your container.

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock year4000/pycloud:v1.0.4

Example Script String:

    "port": 80