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Android Library to Customize, Show Range Slider With 2 Thumbs, Custom Thumbs, Steps, Dynamic Colors, Dynamic Range


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RangeSliderKTX is a versatile and customizable Android library for implementing range selection sliders in your apps with ease. Whether you need to select a range of dates, prices, or any other numeric values, RangeSliderKTX provides a sleek and intuitive user interface for users to interact with.


  • Range Selection: Allow users to easily select a range of values by dragging two thumbs along a track.
  • Customizable Appearance: Customize the appearance of the slider, including track color, thumb color, and track height, to match your app's design.
  • Flexible Configuration: Configure the slider to work with various types of numeric ranges, including integers, floats, and dates.
  • Listener Support: Set listeners to receive updates when the range selection changes, enabling you to react to user interactions programmatically.
  • Easy Integration: Simple integration with your Android app using Gradle, with Kotlin extensions (KTX) for seamless development experience.

Slider Screenshots

Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 1 02 30 PM Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 1 02 48 PM Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 1 03 18 PM Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 1 09 07 PM

Getting Started

To get started with RangeSliderKTX, follow these steps:

  1. Add Dependency: Add the library dependency to your project's build.gradle file:
    // Gradle
    implementation 'com.yazantarifi:range-slider:1.0.0'
    // Gradle Splitted Version
    implementation group: 'com.yazantarifi', name: 'slider', version: '1.0.0'
    // Gradle KTX
  1. Integrate into Layout: Integrate RangeSliderKTX into your layout XML file:
        app:slider_background="@color/background_color" />
  1. Customize Appearance: Customize the appearance and behavior of the slider using XML attributes or programmatically in your Kotlin code.
  2. Handle Events: Set listeners to handle events when the range selection changes or when the user interacts with the slider.


binding.slider.let {
    it.onUpdateRangeValues(0f, 100f) // Initial Values Minimum and Maximum

    it.onAddRangeListener(object : RangeSliderListener {
         override fun onRangeProgress(
                    fromValue: Float,
                    toValue: Float,
                    isFromUser: Boolean
         ) {
                    if (isFromUser) { // Event if the Change From User Movement or from Code

         override fun onThumbMovement(value: Float, thumbIndex: Int, isFromUser: Boolean) {


Note, The Included App in this Repo has 3 Examples

Slider Customization Attributes

Attribtes Value Description
rectangle_height Dimention Number (Dp, Sp, Px) The Height of the Slider
corner_radius Dimention Number (Dp, Sp, Px) Corner Radius of the Slider Progress
slider_background Color Resource The Background Color of the Range behind Slider
slider_active_color Color Resource The Active Color of the Progress Area
slider_from_progress Float Current From Thumb Progress Value
slider_to_progress Float Current To Thumb Progress Value
slider_min_value Float Minimum Value of the Range
slider_max_value Float Maximum Value of the Range
thumb_size Dimention Number (Dp, Sp, Px) Thumb Size (The 2 Circles for Progress)
thumb_color Color Resource Thumb Color (The 2 Circles for Progress)
thumb_second_color Color Resource Second Thumb Color to Create Layers
thumb_single_color Boolean To Draw the Thumbs With One Color or 2 Colors
slider_step_size Float Steps Between Range to make Thumbs Jumping

Note Anything Customizable from Xml has a Function to change it in Runtime (for Dynamic UIs, Api Response Colors)

Library Versions

  1. Library Version: 1.0.0
  2. Minimum Supported Version: 26
  3. Target Version: 34


RangeSliderKTX is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to help improve this project.

Commands to Publish

    ./gradlew build
    ./gradlew slider:publishReleasePublicationToSonatypeRepository