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Releases: Xtrendence/X-University

X:/University | NoScript Popup & Favicons

27 May 13:28
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This release adds a NoScript error popup which displays if the user has JavaScript disabled. It also adds favicons for the website for all platforms.

X:/University | QoL Improvement

27 May 12:41
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The user can now use their browser's back button instead of the one that comes with X:/University's UI. They can even use a combination of both. The JavaScript also checks the URL query string for the "page" parameter when it loads, so the user can refresh a page or go to its URL directly without being forced to navigate to their desired page from the homepage again.

This release also fixes a tiny CSS issue with the "Shopping" page where the different category buttons wouldn't take up 100% of the toolbar width provided.

X:/University | Organized Code

21 May 10:38
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Same as the initial, but the JS code has been organized and a few comments have been added to separate the different sections of the code.

X:/University | Initial Release

21 May 10:12
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The initial release of the X:/University website/web-app.