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A pretty print JSON viewer inspired by afeldman/jsonpanel, but updated for the modern web:

  • zero dependencies (no more jQuery)
  • written in ES6 JavaScript and built with Rollup


npm install jsonpanel-next


Import as a module:

import jsonpanel from 'jsonpanel-next';

Example usage:

// jsonpanel takes a single options object for configuration
  selector: '#jsonpanel',           // query selector string to render the panel in
  data: {                           // an object to render
    str: '  some values to display',  
    num: 2,
    bool: true,
    nested: {
        desc: 'nesting is okay too',
        arr: [0, 1, 2, 3]
  valueTransformer: str => str.trim() // function to transform values before render


Clone and install dependencies:

git clone
cd jsonpanel-next/
npm install


Rollup is used to build the project.

To build in development mode and watch for changes:

npm run dev

To build minified bundles for production:

npm run build

To copy libaries over to the demo directory:

npm run prep-demo


Jest is used for unit testing. To run tests:

npm run test

Tests can be found in test/.


XO is used to enforce code style and linting.

To check for errors:

npm run lint

To format code and autofix errors where possible:

npm run lint-fix


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


JSONPanel-next is licensed under the MIT license.