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MCE626 edited this page May 1, 2019 · 5 revisions

WrenchHandler class can be used if you want to be able to use wrenches from other mods on your blocks. It has 2 methods, both of which are booleans.

holdingWrench takes in a EntityPlayer, and isWrench takes in an ItemStack. The holdingWrench method uses the isWrench method.


In an onBlockActivated method of a block (which has an EntityPlayer parameter), you can use this feature for wrenches in general to do stuff to your block. The wrench from whatever mod should have the doesSneakBypassUse method in it's class in order to work properly for sneaking usage.

if(player.isSneaking()) {
    if(WrenchHandler.holdingWrench(player)) {
        player.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("You're sneaking and holding a wrench!"));

Here it checks to see if you're sneaking, and if you're holding a wrench. Remember, that holdingWrench method uses isWrench to see if the item is a wrench, so you don't need to do a check for that yourself.
